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The Tax page lists all income tax returns for your clients. Manage all your forms on one page where you can:

  • view the status of the forms for one client or all your clients

  • find returns quickly by filtering the returns that are listed

  • add tax returns

  • export the list in to Excel to help with reviewing.

Viewing all clients & single clients

To view tax returns, click Tax on the top menu bar, and click Compliance list.

  • To see tax returns for all your clients, select All clients on the sidebar.

  • To see tax returns for one client only, select a client on the sidebar.

Finding a tax return

From the single client view, you can filter the tax return by period and tax return type.

From the All clients view, you can use filters to search by a particular client, period, and type of tax return, and other options:

  • To show only clients assigned to a particular staff member, select the staff member from the Staff member drop-down. If you use MYOB AE/AO, you manage assigned staff from your client's Responsibility tab in AE/AO. If you’re using MYOB Practice without having previously migrated from AE/AO, you can’t assign staff as partners or managers, so all staff will appear as Team member in the filter.

  • If you use MYOB AE/AO, to show only clients assigned to a particular partner, select the partner from the Partner drop-down. You manage assigned partners from your client's Responsibility tab in AE/AO.

  • If you use MYOB AE/AO, to show only clients belonging to a particular family group, select the family group from the Family group drop-down. You set up and manage family groups from your client's Family group tab in AE/AO.

To clear all filters, select Reset.


The status column shows the different statuses of your tax return. This is a good way to keep track of their progress through the workflow.

Tax return status


All unfiled

Lists all the tax returns.

Not started

Newly added tax returns with no data entered.

In progress

Tax returns that you're currently working on.

In review

Tax returns are being reviewed by yourself or someone in your practice.

Ready for client

Tax returns have been reviewed and ready for the client to check.

Pending signature

Tax returns have been sent to the client and awaiting their signature.

Ready for file

Tax returns are all approved and ready for filing to IR.


Tax returns have been filed to IR and were rejected.


Tax returns are filed successfully to IR.

Adding a return

If you have a return for the previous year, a return with a Not started status is automatically created. You can roll over data from the previous year's return.

If you don't have an automatically created return for the new year, you can add a tax return. This will also roll over data from the previous year's return if there already is a return in MYOB Practice. Otherwise, you can manually complete the return.

If you run into trouble while adding a return, see the tips for adding a return.

Export to a spreadsheet

You can export the Compliance list data to Excel, which can be useful while reviewing and approving a tax return.

Filing a return

If you have an error while filing a return, learn how to fix errors in tax returns.