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Resolved issues in MYOB Practice tax

June 2024




Schedule not opening from a tax return main form
Area – Tax return
Status – Resolved

Clicking the amount fields in a return doesn't open the schedule


You can still open the schedule from the schedule link in the main form, and the link in the Attachments and schedules panel.

May 2024




Error: Something went wrong
Area – Data reconciliation
Support ref – 01757358

Status – Resolved

You may see an error when accessing the tax notices on the Data reconciliation page.


As a workaround, access the tax notices via the individual client.

February 2024




Missing data in tax statement, tax return and schedule report
Area – Tax returns
Support ref – 01585958

Status – Outstanding

The tax statement, tax return and schedule report are missing the client name, client code and IRD number.

November 2023





Support ref.

Tax statement

Different display across return types for rental and business income

Resolved – 16 November 2023

The rental and business income isn't showing in the tax statement consistently across return types.

Tax return validations

IR1261 alerts and warnings

Resolved – 16 November 2023

It's not clear that the IR1261 overseas income summary is populated from
the worksheet, and so it was unclear that the tax jurisdiction and
income type must be selected for every row.

Tax return validations

No warnings for incomplete IR4J and IR8J

Resolved – 16 November 2023

There are no warnings for IR4J and IR8J when all fields are blank, or when they have a balance but no other amount.

Tax return validations

No warning when IR10 doesn’t balance to schedule data

Resolved – 16 November 2023

There's no warning when the "Current year taxable profit/(loss)" in the
IR10 doesn’t match the balance of all schedules that might require an
IR10 attachment.


Tax return validations

No IR10 warning for residential property income

Resolved – 16 November 2023

There's no warning when residential property income exists but there's no IR10 attached.

Tax return validations

IR7 isn't always showing error 2039

Resolved – 16 November 2023

When attribution amounts have been edited and don't equal the amount of income, error 2039 isn't always shown.

Tax return validations

Validations aren't showing in a schedule

Resolved – 16 November 2023

Some IR3NR and IR526 errors and warnings are shown in the main form when
a schedule exists, making it harder to find where to fix the error.

Data reconciliation

Inland Revenue (IR) transaction data duplicated

Resolved – 7 November 2023

We've finished correcting duplicates.

Update – 26 October 2023

IR have fixed the duplicate transaction issue. However, IR's fix doesn't remove any duplicates already received.

We're working on a fix to correct duplicates. In the meantime, don't reconcile the duplicate transactions.

Original issue

transactions are being sent by IR, causing the Unreconciled
transactions table to incorrectly show an extra row of data. This can
affect assessments, payments or transfers.

IR are investigating and working to resolve this issue. In the meantime, we've disabled the Refresh IR data button in Data reconciliation.


September 2023


Data reconciliation

Further income tax and Default provisional assessment transactions aren't being reversed

Resolved – 14 September 2023
Further income tax is now treated as an assessment. This means it'll be part of the total for the assessment transaction on the IR statements and won't display as a separate transaction in the Unreconciled transactions.

Default provisional tax will be treated as provisional tax and won't display in the Unreconciled transactions. Both transactions will now appear in the IRD statements.

This change will affect future and past data, so you may need to review some previously reconciled entries of these types.

Original issue:

Further income tax and Default provisional assessment transactions are
being treated as regular transactions. If a reversal is received for
these transactions, it's not being matched to the original transaction,
so the original transaction isn't being hidden in Data Reconciliation.

August 2023





Support ref.

Tax return

Navigation bar not following page scrolling

Resolved – 24 August 2023

When scrolling a tax return, the navigation bar on the right of the page isn't updating to show the scroll location.


Data reconciliation

Delay in processing IR's overnight Transaction Data Services (TDS) feed

Resolved – 14 August 2023

There are no processing delays on the new TDS request model.

Note: We're releasing this update to different groups of customers over the coming weeks. If you're still experiencing the issue, you may not have the update yet.

Original issue:
We'll automatically populate IR transactions into Data reconciliation as soon as IR sends the data to us. Even though the process is sometimes delayed, you won't miss out on receiving data.

At the end of each business day, IR processes the data for the day. Ideally, IR would send the TDS data to MYOB early the following morning, but sometimes their data processing takes longer than expected. When it's delayed, the data might not arrive until the afternoon and, occasionally, it might take longer than one business day.


Tax return

Bank account warning displays when a bank account exists

Resolved – 1 August 2023

If a return has a refund due and the bank account details are displayed, you'll see the validation warning Return has a refund but no bank account details have been refreshed from myIR. You'll see the warning even if you've clicked Refresh bank details from myIR.


Workpapers & schedules

BSTC isn't calculating correctly when a child turns one

Resolved – 1 August 2023

A child is eligible for Best start tax credit (BSTC) up until the age of one. However, the Working for families schedule isn't calculating any BSTC for a child who is less than one if there are other children and if the income is being abated.


Workpapers & schedules

Handling of partner allocation in the IR526 Tax credit claim form is unclear

Resolved – 1 August 2023

When some of the receipts are being allocated to the partner, it's unclear how this should be handled.


Tax statement

Current year loss isn't adding to losses to carry-forward for an IR9

Resolved – 1 August 2023

The IR9 tax statement losses summary isn't printing the current year loss if there's also a loss brought forward.  This results in the losses to carry-forward being understated.


Tax return validations

Handling of negative PIE credits is unclear

Resolved – 1 August 2023

When negative PIE tax credits have been received via pre-pop, a return will be rejected with error 21 if the return is filed with the negative PIE tax credits. It's not clear that this data may need to be removed in this situation.


Tax return validations

Error 2346 shows as a warning when using the Residential property income schedule

Resolved – 1 August 2023

When residential property interest has been claimed but the reason hasn't been selected, the validation for error 2346 incorrectly displays as a warning. It should be an error as the return will be rejected if the reason isn't selected. This only occurs when using the Residential property income schedule.


Tax return validations

Residential property income bright-line method warning shows for incorrect methods

Resolved – 1 August 2023

When a return is validated, the bright-line warning shows when a Residential property income bright-line method hasn't been selected and the Residential income method is on Portfolio or Individual. The warning should only display when on Combination method and a bright-line method hasn't been selected.


Tax return validations

It's unclear when to answer the business continuity test in an IR4

Resolved – 1 August 2023

When there's a loss brought forward, Inland Revenue require the business continuity test question be completed, otherwise the return will be rejected with error 2337. This requirement is unclear.


Tax return validations

Error 2339 isn't displaying in an IR6 if a settlor has no settlement this year

Resolved – 1 August 2023

When a settlor date of birth or commencement date is in the future, error 2339 doesn't display if No is selected for Is there a settlement this year.


Workpapers & schedules

Negative NRWT is being calculated when interest is a loss in an IR3NR

Resolved – 1 August 2023

When an IR3NR has a loss for interest income, the NRWT is incorrectly calculating a negative NRWT. This causes an error 21 when the return is filed, as NRWT can't be negative.


May 2023





Support ref.

Tax return

Adding associations is unclear

Resolved – 29 May 2023

We've added a message to the association sections. The message explains that, if associations have been set up, the name and IRD number of each association is populated when the return is created.

Original issue:
It's unclear that the associations (shareholders, beneficiaries, or partners or owners) don't get rolled over from the prior year return.


Tax returns & schedules

NRWT is not calculating for Zimbabwe

Resolved – 29 May 2023

When Zimbabwe is selected as the Jurisdiction of tax residency in an IR3NR, the non-resident withholding tax (NRWT) isn't calculating for interest, dividends or royalties.


Tax return validations

No error for a blank IR1261

Resolved – 29 May 2023

There's no validation advising when the IR1261 Overseas income summary is blank before filing an IR3. Filing a blank IR1261 will result in the return being rejected with error 21.


Tax returns & schedules

IR3 won't create if the previous year Working for families schedule is incomplete

Resolved – 29 May 2023

An incomplete Working for families schedule in the previous year will no longer stop the 2023 IR3 return from being created. A warning will now display when validating the IR3 if a child date of birth or care start date is missing from the Working for families schedule.

Original issue:

An IR3 won't be created if there's a Working for families schedule in the previous year with no birth dates.


Tax return validations

Some validations are missing or unclear

Resolved – 29 May 2023

Some of the validations for Change of situation in an IR3 and IR3NR, and for  Independent earner tax credit (IETC) in IR3 are missing or not clear.


Tax statement

Some headings and subtotals aren't printing correctly

Resolved – 29 May 2023

Some of the headings and subtotals in the Tax section of the tax statement aren't printing when they should, or they're printing when they shouldn't. This can affect any return.


Tax return validations

Refunds section is hidden when there's an error

Resolved – 29 May 2023

The Refunds section will always be visible if there's an error. The validations for transfers have also been made clearer.

Original issue: When a return is rejected due to an error in a transfer, the Refunds section may be hidden, making it difficult to find and fix the error.


Tax notices

Incorrect interim student loan calculation

Resolved – 4 May 2023

If the student loan repayment was more than the loan balance, the remaining loan balance isn't being used, leading to overpayment. Learn more.


Tax return

IR3NR rejected with error 21

Resolved – 1 May 2023

When you file an IR3NR, an incorrect value can be sent for the Total tax deductions field under Income with tax deducted from summary of income. You can't see the incorrect value in the return, but filing a return with NZ income with tax deducted schedules can cause a rejection with error 21.


April 2023





Support ref.

Data reconciliation

Missing IR transactions

Resolved – 12 April 2023

Transactions that exist in myIR may not be displayed in the IR statements or Unreconciled transactions sections of the Data reconciliation page.


IR issues affecting MYOB Practice tax

Data reconciliation

Inland Revenue (IR) transaction data duplicated

Resolved  5 April 2023Update – 30 March 2023:
We've finished fixing the issue.IR have made post about the issue.

Update – 23 March 2023:

We're deleting IR duplicates. If you've created MYOB transactions or voluntary adjustments as a workaround, you need to delete these transactions and adjustments so that you're not left with incorrect data.

Update – 22 March 2023:

IR have fixed the duplicate transaction issue so we've re-enabled the Refresh IR data button. However, IR's fix doesn't remove any duplicates already received. We're working on a fix to correct duplicates.

Original issue:

Duplicate transactions are being sent by IR, causing the Unreconciled transactions table to incorrectly show an extra row of data. This can affect assessments, payments or transfers.IR are investigating and working to resolve this issue. In the meantime, we've disabled the Refresh IR data button in Data reconciliation.


Tax returns

Donation deduction claimed amount not being limited

Resolved – 3 April 2023:

If a donation deduction is being claimed in an IR4 company return, the claimed amount was not limited to the amount of income. You'll now see a new field displaying the amount that can be claimed.


Tax returns

Best start tax credit (BSTC) entitlement in the Working for families schedule calculating incorrectly

Resolved – 3 April 2023:

BSTC entitlement in the Working for families schedule was calculating incorrectly when:

- the abatement is being applied

- there's more than one child, and

- one child less than one year old.

We’ve also modified the schedule to show the BSTC entitlement before abatement as well as after.


February 2023





Support ref.

Tax notices

Provisional tax notices aren't including amount due for interim Student loan

Resolved – 27 February 2023:

When an interim Student loan (SLS) amount is due, the amount isn't being included in provisional tax notices.


Tax notices

Incorrect IR8 and IR9 rates in tax notices when reconciling IR assessments

Resolved – 10 February 2023:

When you receive an IR assessment and click Add MYOB transaction in Data reconciliation or when preparing the Tax notices, the calculation would sometimes use the wrong tax rate for Māori authorities and Clubs or societies.

01004684 and 01014978

November 2022





Support ref.

Tax return validations

Error 21 for incomplete shareholder, beneficiary, settlor, or partner or owner details

Resolved – 15 November 2022: We've added and changed validation warnings and errors to help you complete these sections.

For an IR6, these validations will appear if you've started filling in a beneficiary or settlor section regardless of whether it is required.

Original issue: When you validate, an error won't show if you've not completed all the required fields in the following sections:

- shareholder (IR4)

- beneficiary (IR6)

- settlor (IR6)

- partner or owner (IR7).

If you file the return without filling in the required fields, you'll get error 21.

Tax return validations

Error 21 for incomplete transfer details

Resolved – 15 November 2022:

We've added and changed validation warnings and errors to help you complete the transfer section.

Original issue: When you validate, an error won't show if you've not completed all the required fields in a transfer section. If you file the return without filling in the required fields, you'll get error 21.

Tax statement

Additional provisional tax to pay line isn't printing if next years provisional tax is estimated

Resolved – 15 November 2022: When you prepare a return before the final provisional tax instalment is due, an additional line should print on the tax statement that shows how much of the current years provisional tax is still due on the final provisional tax due date. When next years provisional tax is estimated, the line is not printing.


Workpapers & schedules

Transfers received schedule doesn't show the correct tax type the transfer came from

Resolved – 15 November 2022: In the Transfers received schedule, the tax type will now display the correct source. If no source can be identified, such as for a transfer manually entered in Data reconciliation, then Transfer will display.

Also, a period column has been added.

Original issue: The Transfers received schedule always shows the tax type as Income tax regardless of where the transfer was received from.


Workpapers & schedules

Overseas income schedule calculating negative tax credit

Resolved – 15 November 2022: A negative overseas tax credits claimable amount is being calculated when:

- an IR3 or IR4 has negative overseas income, and

- there is positive income in the return that is more than the overseas income.

This is incorrect and will cause an error 21 to be received if the return is filed with the negative tax credit.

IR issues affecting MYOB Practice tax

IR shutdown

Resolved – 7 November 2022

IR has announced that it'll shut down its systems over the weekend beginning Saturday 8 October. This will affect MYOB Practice's connection to IR.
