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MYOB Greentree Master Services Agreement

Terms and Conditions for MYOB Greentree Master Services Agreement.

This Agreement sets out the terms and conditions for the Product and any Services that we provide you with in relation to the Product.

You agree to this Agreement when you sign an Order Form with us that references or incorporates this Agreement. This Agreement lasts as long as any Order Form is in force. You can terminate an Order Form or this Agreement by following the steps in clause 11.

We may change this Agreement, the Services, the Product or Fees from time to time in accordance with this Agreement. See clause 4 for information about when we will notify you of changes, and what rights you have if we make changes.

1. Structure and term of this Agreement

1.1 Term of Agreement

This Agreement begins when both parties sign the first Order Form and continues until either party terminates the Agreement in accordance with clause 11.

1.2. Order Forms

(a) You may request a licence for the Product or Services from us at any time. If we agree to provide you with a licence for the Product or the Services, we will send you a draft Order Form that outlines:

(i) the licence for the Product or the Services we will provide;

(ii) the Fees you need to pay;

(iii) the term the Order Form will remain in effect;

(iv) any minimum spend or quantity obligations you have; and

(v) any other terms and conditions that apply to you or to the Users of the Product, such as Product Terms or Module Terms.

You can accept the draft Order Form by signing and returning it to us. We will not supply Services to you without a signed Order Form.

(b) Either party may request a change to an Order Form by submitting a change request in writing to the other party. The change is only valid if both parties sign a new Order Form (unless clause 4 allows the change).

1.3 Order of priority

If any of these documents conflict with each other, the order of priority is as follows (from highest to lowest):

(a) the terms of an Order Form;

(b) any Module Terms that apply;

(c) any Product Terms that apply;

(d) the terms of this Agreement; and

(e) the terms of our Privacy Policy, which is incorporated as part of this Agreement.

2. Our delivery of Products and Services

2.1 Provision of Services

If an Order Form requires us to provide Services, we will:

(a) supply the Services according to the terms of the Order Form and this Agreement;

(b) use due care, skill and diligence and follow good business practice for the industry;

(c) use Personnel who are qualified, experienced and suitable for the task;

(d) comply with Applicable Laws when performing our obligations under this Agreement and any applicable Order Form; and

(e) be responsible for the performance of the Services, even if we subcontract some or all of them to a Third Party or an Affiliate.

2.2 Licence for the Product

If an Order Form requires us to provide you with a licence for the Product, we will:

(a) grant you and a specified number of Users a licence to access and use the Product in accordance with clause 7.2(b) and any terms specified in the relevant Order Form;

(b) use reasonable commercial endeavours to ensure that the Product meets any requirements set out in the relevant Order Form and does not introduce any Harmful Code into any of your systems;

(c) offer you Updates and New Releases from time to time if they are made generally available to other customers. You may not be able to access, use or continue to use the Product if certain Updates or New Releases are not installed, for example, if they are critical to the functionality or security of the Product; and

(d) give you at least 7 days written notice of any Scheduled Maintenance that may cause disruption to you (unless otherwise mutually agreed).

3. Your use of our Products and Services

3.1 Your obligations

When you enter into an Order Form with us, you agree to:

(a) comply with any obligations you have under the Order Form or this Agreement;

(b) use the Product or Services and carry out your obligations in a way that complies with Applicable Laws, including Tax Laws, Industrial Relations Laws, and Privacy Laws, and not breach our Intellectual Property Rights or the Intellectual Property Rights of any Third Party;

(c) co-operate with us and provide us with the necessary information, access and assistance to deliver the Product or Services, including as applicable:

(i) giving us access to relevant Personnel and Users, on reasonable notice;

(ii) giving us access to your software, systems, and documentation;

(iii) providing us with accurate and timely information; and

(iv) allowing us to enter your premises;

(d) be liable for the actions of your Users or Personnel;

(e) not interfere with the operation of the Product or Services; and

(f) not copy, modify, or display any content from the Product or Services without our written permission.

3.2 Additional obligations relating to your use of the Product

Without limiting your obligations under clause 3.1, if we grant you with a licence for the Product, you agree that:

(a) You are responsible for managing the permissions and level of access granted to each of your Users and changing their permissions or stopping their access when necessary.

(b) You must not allow any Access Credentials to be used by more than one User.

(c) You must notify us immediately if you suspect that any Access Credential has been compromised or misused.

(d) You must comply with the terms and conditions of any licence agreement between you and any Third Party that provides other applications or products that you use in conjunction with our Product. You must also pay any fees owed to the Third Party in addition to the Fees owed to us under the relevant Order Form.

(e) You must not attempt to reverse-engineer, reverse-assemble, decompile, or otherwise discover source code, formulas or processes of the Product.

(f) You must not introduce any Harmful Code to the Product.

(g) You must retain your Customer Data for compliance with the requirements of Government Agencies, and Tax Laws and Industrial Relations Laws.

No software or data storage solution is risk-free. We recommend that you periodically extract or backup your Customer Data for archive purposes.

3.3 You are liable for your Users

You are liable for your Users’ compliance with this Agreement, especially clauses 3.1-3.2 and 6.4(b), and any applicable Order Form, and their actions or inactions related to this Agreement and any applicable Order Form.

3.4 Your Acceptance of the Product or Services

(a) If the Product or Services require Acceptance under the relevant Order Form, you must test the Product or Services as soon as possible and tell us in writing about any major problems with the Product or Services within 10 Business Days after we deliver the Product or Services to you (or a longer period if we agree in writing).

(b) The Product or Services will be considered as Accepted if:

(i) you do not tell us about any major problems with the Product or Services within the time limit in clause 3.4(a); or

(ii) you or your Users start using the Product or Services in a live or production environment.

3.5 Delays

If we have to delay or change the Services (including the completion of any Deliverables) because of:

(a) any change in the timing or complexity of the Services that you or your Personnel or Users cause or contribute to; or

(b) any act or omission by you or your Personnel or Users,

then the dates for providing and accepting the Services in the Order Form may also be delayed or changed. We may adjust the Fees for any amended or revised Services resulting from the situations in (a)-(b) above. Both parties will co-operate in good faith to agree any changes to the Order Form (including any change to Fees). If the parties cannot agree on the changes within 10 Business Days, either party may terminate the Order Form immediately by giving written notice to the other party.

4. Changes to the Agreement, the Product or the Services

4.1 Changes to the terms of this Agreement, Product Terms or Module Terms

We may change the terms and conditions of this Agreement, the Product Terms or Module Terms from time to time by notifying you in writing. We will give you at least 60 days written notice if the changes are significant or are likely to have a detrimental impact on you. We will be reasonable and fair when we make any changes to the terms and conditions.

4.2 Changes to the Product

We may change the features, functionality or inclusions of the Product from time to time. We will give you reasonable notice of any significant changes. We will give you at least 60 days’ notice if the changes are likely to have a significant detrimental impact on how you use the Product.

4.3 Changes to Fees

Unless we have agreed otherwise in the relevant Order Form, we may change the Fees by giving you at least 60 days’ prior written notice. We will be reasonable and fair when we make changes to the Fees.

4.4 Discontinuing the Product

Sometimes, we may decide to stop offering to support or sell a certain Product. This clause explains how this affects you if you are using a discontinued Product:

(a) we will give you at least 12 months’ notice of the discontinuation so that you can arrange for replacement product(s); and

(b) if we make alternative product(s) available with similar functionality at the time your Product is discontinued, we will offer to migrate you to an alternative product for a reasonable fee.

4.5 Your right to terminate if we make changes

If we notify you of changes under clause 4.1 – 4.4, you can terminate the relevant Order Form by giving us written notice before the changes take effect. If you terminate an Order Form under this clause 4.5, we will refund any Fees you paid in advance for any Services not rendered to you under the relevant Order Form for the period after termination takes effect.

We will process the refund promptly unless we disagree with you about whether or how much we owe you. If there is a genuine dispute, both parties must use reasonable endeavours to promptly resolve the dispute in accordance with clause 10.

5. Fees and Payment

5.1 Fees

You must pay us the Fees and any agreed Expenses as set out in the Order Form.

5.2 Invoicing Terms

We will send you a Tax Invoice for the Services as stated in the Order Form.

5.3 Payment Terms

You must pay each Tax Invoice by the due date and in the manner indicated in the Order Form or Tax Invoice.

5.4 Disputed amounts

If you dispute any amount in a Tax Invoice, you must pay us the undisputed portion and promptly notify us of your reasons for disputing the relevant amount. Both parties must use reasonable endeavours to resolve the dispute at their earliest possible convenience. If both parties cannot resolve the dispute, the matter must be resolved in accordance with clause 10. If the dispute is resolved and both parties agree, or if it is determined by a court of law, that any portion of the dispute amount is payable by you, then you must pay that portion to us within 14 days of resolution of the dispute.

5.5 Overdue amounts

Subject to clause 5.4, if any amount payable to us under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form has not been paid by you by the due date for payment:

(a) we may charge interest on the amount outstanding at the penalty interest rate fixed under the Penalty Interest Rate Act 1983 (Vic) as amended or replaced from time to time (if this Agreement or the Order Form is governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia) or at an interest rate equal to the official cash rate of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand plus five percent (if this Agreement or the Order Form is governed by the laws of New Zealand); and/or

(b) (without prejudicing the other rights we have under this Agreement or the Applicable Order Form) we may suspend the provision of the Services if you fail to make payment within 10 Business Days of receiving a reminder notice from us requiring you to do so. We will lift any suspension as soon as we reasonably can after all outstanding amounts have been paid.

5.6 GST

(a) If GST is payable by a supplier (or by the representative member for a GST group of which the supplier is a member) on any supply made under or in relation to this Agreement or any applicable Order Form, the recipient must pay to the supplier an amount (GST Amount) equal to the GST payable on the supply. The GST Amount is payable by the recipient in addition to and at the same time as the net consideration for the supply.

(b) If a party is required to make any payment or reimbursement, that payment or reimbursement must be reduced by the amount of any input tax credits or reduced input tax credits to which the other party (or the representative member for a GST group of which it is a member) is entitled for any acquisition relating to that payment or reimbursement.

(c) This clause is subject to any other specific agreement regarding the payment of GST on supplies.

6. Confidentiality, privacy and data security

6.1 Confidentiality

Both parties will receive, possess or otherwise acquire Confidential Information of the other party. Both parties must take reasonable steps to protect and keep the other party’s Confidential Information secure.

6.2 Compliance with Privacy Laws

Both parties agree to comply with applicable Privacy Laws when providing and using the Services.

6.3 Specific requirements

(a) You are responsible for the collection, use, storage and other dealings with Personal Information related to your business and the Services. You must comply, and ensure that your Personnel or Users comply, with Privacy Laws in relation to any Personal Information that you or they handle under or in connection with this Agreement or any applicable Order Form.

(b) Without limiting clause 6.3(a), you undertake for yourself, and on behalf of your Personnel or Users, to:

(i) obtain all necessary consents from individuals (including your Users) for any Personal Information that you supply to us under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form, as required by Privacy Laws;

(ii) provide all notices to individuals (including your Users) from whom you collect Personal Information, as required by Privacy Laws;

(iii) ensure that any Personal Information you transfer to us is complete, accurate and up to date; and

(iv) notify us immediately if you become aware of any breach of Privacy Laws that may affect Personal Information under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form.

(c) Without limiting clause 6.3(a), you must not disclose Personal Information to us unless:

(i) you have legal authority to collect, use, disclose, store or handle the Personal Information as required by this Agreement or the applicable Order Form under the relevant Privacy Laws; and

(ii) you have obtained the consent of the individual to whom the Personal Information relates to collect, use, disclose, store or handle the Personal Information in the manner required by this Agreement or the applicable Order Form.

(d) We will collect, use, disclose, store, and handle Personal Information in accordance with this Agreement, any applicable Order Form, our Privacy Policy, and applicable Privacy Laws.

6.4 Data Security

(a) If you provide us with Customer Data, we must:

(i) take reasonable precautions to prevent a Security Breach in relation to the Customer Data; and

(ii) promptly notify you if we become aware of an Eligible Data Breach to the extent permitted by Applicable Law (including under the Privacy Act).

(b) You are solely responsible for keeping any Access Credentials secure and confidential. You acknowledge and agree that:

(i) Access Credentials must not be shared or used by more than one User;

(ii) we will not be responsible for any Security Breach or Eligible Data Breach that is caused or facilitated by your conduct or failure to protect any Access Credentials, unless Applicable Law prohibits us from excluding liability; and

(iii) you must immediately notify us if you suspect or know that Access Credentials have been compromised.

(c) You acknowledge that we may have to allow Third Parties, such as a Government Agency, to access and inspect information, documents and data including your Customer Data. You agree to us giving such access to the extent that we are required to do so by Applicable Law.

6.5 Publicity

Neither party may make public statements or press releases about this Agreement, any Order Form or their relationship without the other party’s written consent. We can use your name and logo in our customer lists and marketing with your written consent.

7. Intellectual Property Rights

7.1 Customer Data: ownership and use

(a) You (and, if applicable, your third-party licensors) own the Customer Data.

(b) You are responsible for verifying and maintaining the accuracy of your Customer Data.

(c) If you provide us with Customer Data, you grant us an irrevocable, non-exclusive, non-transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free licence to use the Customer Data:

(i) to enable us to perform our obligations under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form;

(ii) to develop and improve our products and services;

(iii) to identify, develop and deliver other functionality, products and services that may be of interest to you; and

(iv) for other purposes to which you expressly consent from time to time.

(d) You grant us a perpetual, irrevocable, non-exclusive, transferable, sublicensable, royalty-free licence to use anonymised or aggregated data that we create or derive from the Customer Data for any purpose, provided that such anonymised or aggregated data does not contain Personal Information or your Confidential Information.

(e) You warrant that you have obtained any necessary consents and have all necessary rights to grant us the licence to Customer Data under clause 7.1(c).

7.2 Product and Services: ownership and use

(a) We (and our licensors, where applicable) own the Intellectual Property Rights in the Product and Services including but not limited to software, source code, object code and our templates, documents, marketing material, trade marks, business names, logos, trading styles, get-up, processes and methodologies.

(b) Subject to payment of the Fees, and any restrictions set out in the relevant Order Form, we grant you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable, royalty-free licence to access and use the Product and/or the Deliverables, and any Updates or New Releases.

7.3 Background Materials: ownership and use

(a) Each party retains all right, title and interest in its Background Materials.

(b) If you provide us with your Background Materials, you grant to us:

(i) a non-exclusive, non-transferable, sublicensable, irrevocable, royalty-free licence during the term of this Agreement to access and use your Background Materials to the extent necessary and for the sole purpose of providing the Services; and

(ii) a perpetual, non-exclusive, transferable, sublicensable, irrevocable, royalty-free licence to use, modify, adapt, translate and otherwise exercise our rights in relation to clause 7.3(e).

(c) Subject to payment of the Fees, and any restrictions set out in the relevant Order Form, we grant to you a non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable, revocable royalty-free licence to access and use our Background Materials to the extent incorporated into (but not separate from) the Product or the Services.

(d) Any modification, adaptation, translation or derivative of our Background Materials will vest in, or are hereby assigned, to us immediately upon creation.

(e) Any modifications, adaptations, translations or derivatives of your Background Materials created or developed by or on behalf of us in the course of providing the Product or Services will vest in, or are hereby assigned to, us immediately on creation.

7.4 Third Party Materials

(a) You acknowledge and agree that we may provide you with a Product or Deliverables that are, or include, Third Party Material. You must comply with, and will be solely responsible for your compliance with, the terms of the Third Party Licence for the Third Party Material.

(b) If required under an Order Form, you must enter into the Third Party Licence directly with the relevant Third Party for the use of the Third Party Materials.

7.5 Intellectual Property Rights Indemnity

(a) Subject to you complying with clauses 7.5(b) and 7.5(c), we indemnify you from and against any liability suffered or incurred by you arising from or in connection with an IP Claim.

(b) If an IP Claim is made against you:

(i) you must promptly notify us of the IP Claim;

(ii) you must provide us with reasonable assistance and all information reasonably requested for defence of the IP Claim; and

(iii) you give us the right to defend and settle the IP Claim (provided that we may not settle an IP Claim without your prior consent, such consent not to be unreasonably withheld).

(c) If an IP Claim is successful, or if it is agreed that there is an infringement of the Intellectual Property Rights of a Third Party, then we may either, at our option and cost:

(i) modify the affected Product or Services to render it, or your use, non-infringing within a reasonable period; or

(ii) render the relevant activity non-infringing by procuring the right or consent to exercise the relevant Intellectual Property Rights; and

if neither of the above remedies can be achieved, cease supplying the affected Product, remove any Deliverables and cease performing any Services that are agreed to infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of a Third Party, and we will refund you any Fees paid in advance for such infringing Product or Services not rendered.

(d) The indemnity in clause 7.5(a) will not apply to the extent that the IP Claim arises or results from one of the following:

(i) if we comply with your specific technical designs or instructions or include any content or other materials provided by you and the IP Claim specifically relates to the technical design, instructions or content provided by you;

(ii) the combination of the Product or Services and any other product, service, software, data, content, method or Background IP not provided by us, where the IP Claim specifically relates to the other product, service, data, content, method or Background IP not provided by us;

(iii) your (or your Users or Personnel’s) access or use of the Product or Services in a manner prohibited by us in writing, including access or use with any hardware, software or other services which are prohibited by us in writing; or

(iv) enhancements, adaptations, translations or modifications of the Product or Services by a person other than us or our Personnel.

8. Warranties

8.1 MYOB warranties

(a) We warrant to you that:

(i) we will use reasonable endeavours to provide the Services with all due care, skill, and diligence in accordance with good business practice for the industry;

(ii) we will perform the Services and provide the Product and each Deliverable in accordance with this Agreement and the applicable Order Form in all material respects; and

(iii) the performance of our obligations under this Agreement and any applicable Order Form and the access and use of the Product and/or Services in accordance with this Agreement and the applicable Order Form will not infringe the Intellectual Property Rights of any Third Party.

8.2 Customer warranties

You warrant to us that:

(a) any information or materials you have provided us under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form (including prior to the effective date of the first Order Form) are true, accurate, and are not misleading or deceptive;

(b) you have not engaged us to provide any Services in a way that will infringe any Intellectual Property Rights of any Third Parties; and

(c) in using the Product or Services, you will:

(i) ensure that the Intellectual Property Rights and other proprietary rights in the Product or Services are not infringed in any way; and

(ii) comply with our reasonable directions relating to your use of the Product or Services.

8.3 Mutual warranties

Each party represents and warrants that:

(a) it will comply with any obligations it has assumed under this Agreement and any applicable Order Form; and

(b) it will comply with all Applicable Laws in the performance of its obligations under this Agreement and any applicable Order Form.

9. Liability

9.1 Limits to our liability

Our liability to you for any non-compliance with a statutory guarantee, or loss or claim arising out of or in connection with the supply of goods or services under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form, or any breach by us of this Agreement or any applicable Order Form however arising (whether for breach of this Agreement or an Order Form, by way of indemnity, tort (including negligence), statute, custom, law or on any other basis), is limited to:

(a) the resupply of the Services; or

(b) the cost of re-supplying the Service,

and in any event will be limited to the fullest extent permitted by Applicable Law.

9.2 Where the Australian Consumer Law applies

(a) Our goods and services come with guarantees that cannot be excluded under the Australian Consumer Law. For major failures with the service, you are entitled:

  • to cancel your service contract with us; and

  • to a refund for the unused portion, or to compensation for its reduced value.

You are also entitled to choose a refund or replacement for major failures with goods. If a failure with the goods or a service does not amount to a major failure, you are entitled to have the failure rectified in a reasonable time. If this is not done, you are entitled to a refund for the goods and to cancel the contract for the service and obtain a refund of any unused portion. You are also entitled to be compensated for any other reasonably foreseeable loss or damage from a failure in the goods or service.

(b) This Agreement and any applicable Order Form do not exclude, restrict or modify the application of any part of the ACL, or the exercise of any right or remedy conferred by the ACL.

9.3 Where the New Zealand Consumer Guarantee Act and Fair Trading Act would otherwise apply

(a) For the purposes of section 5D of the NZ FTA and section 43 of the NZ CGA:

the goods and services provided to you under or in connection with this Agreement or any applicable Order Form are being provided and acquired in trade;

if the NZ FTA and/or NZ CGA applies to any goods or services supplied to you under or in connection withthis Agreement or any applicable Order Form, the parties agree to contract out of the NZ CGA and sections 9, 12A and 13 of the NZ FTA; and

all representations, conditions, warranties and terms that would otherwise be expressed or implied in this Agreement or any applicable Order Form by general law, statute or custom are expressly excluded (to the extent that such representations, conditions, warranties and terms can be excluded at law).

(b) Except as specified in clause 9.3(a), this Agreement or any applicable Order Form do not exclude, restrict or modify the application of any part of the NZ CGA or NZ FTA, or the exercise of any right or remedy conferred by the NZ CGA or NZ FTA.

9.4 When we will not be liable to you

(a) We will not be liable to you for any error, problem or defect arising from or in connection with:

(i) your or your Users’ access or use of the Product or Services in a manner not authorised by us in writing, including access or use with any hardware, software or other services not authorised by us in writing;

(ii) enhancements, adaptations, translations or modifications of the Product or Services not made by us;

(iii) faults, malfunction or defect in any Third Party Material; or

(iv) telecommunications or power failure or fault, or defective network or Internet connection.

(b) We will not be liable to you to the extent that a failure to deliver the Product or Services was caused or contributed to by:

(i) you, your Third Party providers, Personnel or Users;

(ii) a breach of obligations under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form by you or your Third Party providers, Personnel or Users; or

(iv) any of the circumstances set out in clause 3.5(a)-(b) or clause 9.4(a).

9.5 Mutual liability cap

In no event will either party’s aggregate cumulative liability (whether in contract, tort, negligence, statute or otherwise, including by way of any indemnity) arising under or in connection with this Agreement and all Order Forms, exceed average monthly fees paid by you to us under all then-current Order Forms, multiplied by twelve (12).

9.6 Mutual exclusion of liability for consequential loss

Except in accordance with clauses 9.2 and 9.3, in no event will either party be liable for any indirect loss (not being a loss which arises naturally as a result of a breach of this Agreement or any applicable Order Form or other event giving rise to the relevant claim) or any loss which is consequential, special, punitive, exemplary or incidental, and includes loss of reputation, loss of goodwill, lost profits, lost revenue, loss of or damage to data, loss of use (including loss of use by Third Parties), any failure to realise anticipated savings and loss of opportunities, wasted staff costs, or costs of procurement or substitution of goods and/or services.

9.8 Proportionate liability

Each party’s liability under the Agreement or any applicable Order Form (including under any indemnity) is reduced proportionately to the extent that such liability is caused or contributed to by the breach of this Agreement or the applicable Order Form or the wrongful, unlawful or negligent act or omission of the other party or its Personnel.

9.9 Mutual duty to mitigate loss

Each party must use all reasonable endeavours to mitigate its losses.

10. Dispute Resolution

(a) If a party claims that a dispute has arisen, it must notify the other party in writing of the nature of the dispute (Dispute Notice).

(b) Neither party may start any legal proceedings relating to the dispute unless it has followed the steps in this clause 10, except to seek urgent equitable or interlocutory relief.

(c) The steps for resolving the dispute are as follows:

(i) Both parties must try to resolve the dispute within 10 Business Days after receiving the Dispute Notice, or a longer period if they mutually agree.

(ii) If the parties fail to resolve the dispute within that time, they must refer the dispute to nominated senior representatives of each party, who will meet and discuss the dispute promptly with the aim of resolving it.

(iii) If the nominated senior representatives fail to resolve the dispute within 10 Business Days after the referral, either party may submit the dispute to a mediator for consideration in accordance with the Guidelines for Commercial Mediation of the Australian Disputes Centre, which are part of this Agreement.

(d) Each party must pay its own internal and legal costs in relation to complying with this clause 10. The mediator’s costs must be shared equally between both parties.

11. Termination

11.1 Termination for convenience

You may terminate an Order Form at any time for any reason by giving us at least 90 days’ prior written notice to that effect.

11.2 Termination due to default

If an Event of Default occurs in relation to a party (DefaultingParty):

(a) the other party may give a notice (Default Notice) to the Defaulting Party specifying the Event of Default and requiring the Defaulting Party to remedy the default within 20 Business Days after the Default Notice is given to the Defaulting Party; and

(b) if the Defaulting Party does not comply with the notice within the relevant period referred to in clause 11.2(a) then the other party, without limiting its other rights and remedies, may terminate the Order Form to which the Event of Default relates, by giving to the Defaulting Party notice with immediate effect.

11.3 Change in Law

We may immediately terminate an Order Form by giving you written notice if a Government Agency issues a direction, or there is a change in Applicable Law, which makes the ongoing provision of the Product or Services substantially unworkable or non-functional.

11.4 Your other termination rights

You have additional termination rights under clause 4.5. The termination rights in this clause 11 are in addition to your termination rights in clause 4.5.

11.5 Automatic expiration of this Agreement

Upon the termination or expiration of all Order Forms under this Agreement, this Agreement will automatically expire.

11.6 Consequences of termination of an Order Form

(a) Termination of an Order Form will not affect this Agreement and any other Order Forms which are in effect between us and you at the time of the termination and such other Order Forms will continue in accordance with their respective terms, unless otherwise stated in the Order Form.

(b) On the expiry or termination of an Order Form for any reason:

you must pay any Fees that are due and payable to us (including those which may not have been invoiced prior to expiry or termination) under the relevant Order Form up to the date of expiry or termination of the Order Form; and

(ii) the Order Form will be at an end as to its future operation except for the enforcement of any right or claim in relation to the Order Form that arises on, or has arisen before, the expiry or termination.

(c) If you terminate an Order Form in accordance with clause 11.1 or we terminate an Order Form under clause 11.2 due to your Event of Default, you must pay us our Unavoidable Costs.

11.7 Consequences of termination of this Agreement

If this Agreement is terminated for any reason, any Order Form that is still in force at the effective date of termination of this Agreement will automatically and simultaneously terminate on the same date.

11.8 Disengagement Services

Upon expiry or termination of an Order Form, you may request that we provide you with disengagement services. You will be asked to sign a separate Order Form for the disengagement services and you will be required to pay additional fees which will be charged at our then-current rates (unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties).

11.9 Survival

Clauses 1.3, 5-13 and all other provisions that, by their nature, are intended to survive termination of this Agreement, will survive termination and expiry of this Agreement.

12. General terms

12.1 Contracting Entity and Governing Law

(a) Our legal name, address for service of notices, and the governing law and jurisdiction for this Agreement and any applicable Order Form are set out in the table below:

Location of Customer

Contracting Entity

Address for Service of Notices

Governing Law and Jurisdiction


MYOB Australia Pty Ltd

Level 3, 168 Cremorne Street, Cremorne, Victoria, 3121

Victoria, Australia

New Zealand

MYOB NZ Limited

Level 5, Eden 5,

12 Normanby Road, Mount Eden, Auckland, 1024

New Zealand

Elsewhere in the world

MYOB Australia Pty Ltd

Level 3, 168 Cremorne Street, Cremorne, Victoria, 3121

Victoria, Australia

(b) This Agreement and any applicable Order Form is governed by and construed under the Applicable Law of the jurisdiction set out in clause 12.1(a).

(c) The parties submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts set out in clause 12.1(a).

12.2 Force Majeure Events

Neither party will be liable to the other party for any delay or failure to perform its obligations under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form as a result of a Force Majeure Event.

12.3 Relationship

Nothing in this Agreement or any applicable Order Form is intended to create a partnership, joint venture, or agency relationship between us and you, and each party agrees that they are entering into this Agreement and any applicable Order Form only as independent contractors.

12.4 Costs

Each party must pay its own costs in relation to:

(a) the negotiation, execution, performance or variation of this Agreement or any Order Form; and

(b) the performance of any action by that party in compliance with any liability arising under this Agreement or any Order Form unless otherwise agreed in writing by the parties.

12.5 Assignment

(a) You can assign, novate or otherwise transfer your rights and/or obligations under this Agreement and any applicable Order Form to an affiliated entity upon written notice to us, subject to no outstanding amounts being due for payment, and subject to the incoming customer completing such transfer forms as we may reasonably require (including completing any necessary identity or verification checks). Any purported assignment, novation or transfer that does not follow our prescribed process is invalid and you remain responsible for your obligations under this Agreement and any applicable Order Form.

(b) We may assign, novate or otherwise transfer our rights and/or obligations under this Agreement and any applicable Order Form to any of our affiliated entities, or to any entity that succeeds to all or substantially all of our business or assets related to the Product, and we will give you notice via email of any such assignment, novation or transfer.

(c) Subject to the foregoing, this Agreement and any applicable Order Form will be binding upon, and inure to the benefit of the parties and their respective permitted successors and assignees.

12.6 Notices

(a) Any notice to or by a party under this Agreement and any applicable Order Form must be in writing and signed by the sender or, if a corporate party, an authorised officer of the sender.

(b) Any notice may be served by delivery in person or by post or transmission by email to the address or number of the recipient most recently notified by the recipient to the sender. Any email notices to us must be copied to

(c) Any notice is effective for the purposes of this Agreement and any applicable Order Form upon delivery to the recipient or production to the sender of a copy of the email sent before 4.00pm local time on a day in the place in or to which the written notice is delivered or sent or otherwise at 9.00am on the next day following delivery or receipt.

12.7 Third parties

This Agreement and any applicable Order Form confers rights only upon a person expressed to be a party, and not upon any other person.

12.8 Entire agreement

This Agreement, along with the applicable Order Form, constitutes the entire agreement between us and you in relation to its subject matter, and supersedes any prior written agreement by the parties in relation to that subject matter.

12.9 Further assurance

Each party must sign any document and perform any action necessary to give full effect to this Agreement and any applicable Order Form, whether before or after performance of this Agreement or the applicable Order Form.

12.10 Waivers

Any failure by a party to exercise any right under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form does not operate as a waiver and the single or partial exercise of any right by that party does not preclude any other or further exercise of that or any other right by that party.

12.11 Remedies

The rights of a party under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form are cumulative and not exclusive of any rights provided by Applicable Law.

12.12 Severability

Any provision of this Agreement or an Order Form which is invalid in any jurisdiction is invalid in that jurisdiction to that extent, without invalidating or affecting the remaining provisions of this Agreement or the Order Form or the validity of that provision in any other jurisdiction.

12.13 Counterparts

This Agreement or any Order Form may be signed in any number of counterparts, all of which taken together are deemed to constitute one and the same document. Each party consents to the use of electronic communications or means to sign this document in accordance with the Electronic Transactions (Victoria) Act 2000 (Vic) (as amended or replaced from time to time) (if this Agreement or the Order Form is governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia) or the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017 (NZ) (as amended or replaced from time to time) (if this Agreement or the Order Form is governed by the laws of New Zealand).

12.14 Acting as trustee

If you enter into this Agreement or any Order Form as trustee of a trust, you and your successors as trustee of the trust will be liable under this Agreement or the applicable Order Form in your own right and as trustee of the trust. You warrant that, at the date of this Agreement and the date of any applicable Order Form, you have authority to exercise all powers and discretions conferred by the deed establishing the trust, and that the trust is a valid and subsisting trust.

13. Glossary

13.1 Definitions

In this Agreement:

Acceptance means, in respect of the Services, that such Services comply with its relevant specifications and documentation in all material respects;

Access Credential means any passwords or other log-in details used by you and your Users for the purpose of accessing and using the Product;

Affiliate has the same meaning as ‘related body corporate’ in the Corporations Act (if this Agreement or the applicable Order Form is governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia) or ‘related company’ in the Companies Act (if this Agreement or the applicable Order Form is governed by the laws of New Zealand);

Agreement means this master services agreement;

Applicable Law means all laws, rules and regulations in force from time to time in the relevant jurisdiction specified in clause 12.1(a).

Background Materials means:

  • any material, communications or technology which is pre-existing or created independently of an Order Form which a party makes available for the performance of its obligations under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form; and

  • any improvements, enhancements, modifications, adaptations, extensions, developments, application of and all other technical advances made to the materials set out in (a) above, including those developed for the Product or in performing the Services, whether or not protected by Applicable Law,

  • and in relation to you, your Background Materials includes any information, documentation, brands, logos and trade marks used by you to brand and promote yourself that have been provided by you or on your behalf to us;

Business Day means a day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, public holiday or bank holiday in Melbourne, Australia (if this Agreement or the applicable Order Form is governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia) or Auckland, New Zealand (if this Agreement or the applicable Order Form is governed by the laws of New Zealand);

Companies Act means the Companies Act 1993 (NZ) (as amended or replaced from time to time);

Confidential Information means, in respect of a party:

  • information submitted or disclosed by the party or its Affiliates during negotiations, discussions and meetings relating to this Agreement or an Order Form;

  • information that at the time of disclosure by the party or its Affiliates is identified to the other party as being confidential; and

  • all other information belonging or relating to a party or its Affiliates that is not generally available to the public at the time of disclosure other than by reason of a breach of this Agreement or an Order Form or which the other party knows, or ought reasonably to be expected to know, is confidential to that first party;

Corporations Act means the Corporations Act 2001 (Cth) (as amended or replaced from time to time);

Customer Data means the data owned or supplied by you which is uploaded or generated by you in the course of using the Product;

Deliverable means a deliverable specified in an Order Form, excluding our Background Materials;

Eligible Data Breach has the same meaning as is given to that term in the Australian Privacy Act or the meaning given to “notifiable privacy breach” under the New Zealand Privacy Act (as applicable);

Event of Default means, in relation to a party, the occurrence of any one or more of the following events or circumstances:

  • the party commits a material breach of its obligations under the Agreement or an Order Form;

  • an Insolvency Event occurs in relation to the party;

  • a notice of deregistration of the party is given under sections 601AA(5) or 601AB(5) of the Corporations Act; a request is sent or delivered in accordance with section 318(1)(d) of the Companies Act, or a notice is issued under section 319 of the Companies Act; or

  • the party fails to pay by the due date any undisputed amount due and payable by it under an Order Form;

Expenses mean out-of-pocket expenses incurred by us in connection with the provision of the Product or Services, which are payable by you to us, and which have been approved in writing by you;

Fees mean the fees specified in the Order Form and payable by you to us for provision of the Product or Services;

Force Majeure Event means any fire, flood, earthquake, cyclone, act of God, riot, civil disorder, rebellion or revolution, war or terrorist act, epidemic or pandemic (whether declared or undeclared), any restrictions on the movement of individuals or goods imposed by a Government Agency, or other similar cause beyond the reasonable control of a party;

Government Agency means any government or any public, statutory, governmental (including a local government), semi-governmental or judicial body, entity, department or authority and includes any self-regulatory organisation established under statute in the relevant jurisdiction, including but not limited to the Australian Taxation Office or the New Zealand Inland Revenue Department;

GST means any tax, levy, charge or impost implemented under the GST Law or an Act of the Parliament of the Commonwealth of Australia or New Zealand substantially in the form of, or which has a similar effect to, the GST Law (as applicable);

GST Law has the meaning given by the A New Tax System (Goods and Services Tax) Act 1999 (Cth) (as amended or replaced from time to time) (if this Agreement or the applicable Order Form is governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia), or the Goods and Services Tax Act 1985 (NZ) (as amended or replaced from time to time) (if this Agreement or the applicable Order Form is governed by the laws of New Zealand);

Harmful Code means a “back door”, “time bomb”, “logic bomb”, “Trojan Horse”, “worm”, “drop dead device”, “virus” or any other malware, spyware or computer software routine having the effect of permitting unauthorised access to or use of a computer system or network or disabling, damaging, corrupting or erasing, or disrupting or impairing the normal operation of any part of a computer system or network;

Industrial Relations Laws means all Applicable Laws, principles, or directions issued by a Government Agency relating to employment relations;

Insolvency Event means, in relation to a party, any one or more of the following events or circumstances:

  • being in liquidation or provisional liquidation or under administration;

  • having a controller or analogous person appointed to it or to any of its property where “controller” means a receiver, receiver and manager, administrator or liquidator (whether provisional or otherwise) of that person or that person’s property, or anyone else who (whether or not as agent for the person) is in possession, or has control, of that person’s property to enforce an encumbrance;

  • being taken under section 459F(1) of the Corporations Act to have failed to comply with a statutory demand;

  • if it fails to take the required action set out in a statutory demand (made in accordance with section 289 of the Companies Act) within 15 working days of the date of service (or such longer period as a court has ordered);

  • being unable to pay its debts or being otherwise insolvent;

  • becoming an insolvent under administration, as defined in section 9 of the Corporations Act;

  • entering into a compromise or arrangement with, or assignment for the benefit of, any of its members or creditors; or

  • any analogous event or circumstance under the laws of any jurisdiction;

Intellectual Property Rights means all present and future intellectual and industrial property rights conferred by statute, at civil, common law or in equity and wherever existing, including:

patents, designs, copyright, rights in circuit layouts, database rights, trade marks, know how, brand names, domain names, inventions, product names, trade secrets and any other rights subsisting in the results of intellectual effort in any field, whether or not registered or capable of registration;

any application or right to apply for registration of any of the rights in paragraph (a);

any registration of any of those rights or any registration of any application referred to in paragraph (a); and

all renewals and extensions of these rights;

IP Claim means a proven claim by a Third Party that the Product or Services or their use, infringes the Intellectual Property Rights of that Third Party;

Module means a subset of the Product, which includes additional features or functionality;

Module Terms means the additional terms and conditions applicable to a Module, as specified in an Order Form;

New Release means software which has been produced primarily to provide an extension, alteration, improvement or additional functionality to the Product and which does not constitute an Update;

Order Form means a written statement (including any schedules, annexures or attachments) for the provision of the Product or Services by us to you, substantially in the form approved by us from time to time;

Personal Information has the same meaning as is given to that term in the Privacy Act;

Personnel in relation to a party, are the directors, officers, employees, agents or subcontractors of that party;

Privacy Act means the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (as amended or replaced from time to time) if this Agreement or the applicable Order Form is governed by the laws of Victoria, Australia or the Privacy Act 2020 (NZ) (as amended or replaced from time to time) if this Agreement or the applicable Order Form is governed by the laws of New Zealand;

Privacy Law means all applicable Commonwealth, State, Territory and New Zealand legislation, principles, industry codes and policies relating to the collection, use, disclosure, storage or granting of access rights to the Personal Information, including the Privacy Act and includes the Australian or New Zealand Privacy Principles (as applicable) contained within the Privacy Act;

Privacy Policy means the MYOB Group Privacy Policy located at URL or, as amended from time to time;

Product means the MYOB Greentree software licensed by us to you under an Order Form, which may include one or more Modules, as specified in the relevant Order Form;

Product Terms means the additional terms and conditions applicable to the Product, as provided to, and accepted by, you on accessing the Product;

Professional Services mean the professional services to be provided by us to you, as specified in the Order Form. Professional Services may include installation services, implementation services, development services, training services, and consulting services;

Scheduled Maintenance means an interruption to the provision of the Product for the purpose of us undertaking any repairs, modifications, additions or other maintenance to the Product;

Security Breach means unauthorised access to or alteration of the Customer Data;

Services means the services we agree to provide from time to time under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form, including any Support Services, Professional Services, data hosting services, Deliverables or other services described in the relevant Order Form;

Support Services mean the support and maintenance services to be provided by us to you, as specified in the relevant Order Form;

Tax Invoice has the meaning under GST Law;

Tax Laws means all applicable Commonwealth, State, Territory and New Zealand legislation, regulations, principles, or directions issued by a Government Agency relating to taxation in Australia or New Zealand, including but not limited to Taxation Administration Act 1953 (Cth) (as amended or replaced from time to time) in Australia or the Tax Administration Act 1994 (NZ) in New Zealand (as amended or replaced from time to time);

Third Party means any party other than us or you or our respective Affiliates;

Third Party Licence means the licence agreement of a Third Party licensor for the use of Third Party Material;

Third Party Material any material, communications, software or technology which is owned or licensed by a Third Party;

Unavoidable Costs means reasonable costs incurred by us, in connection with the performance of our obligations under this Agreement or any applicable Order Form or any agreement with any Third Party in connection with this Agreement or any applicable Order Form which cannot be cancelled, refunded or re-allocated to our other operations or business activities, including, for example labour and Third Party costs incurred to deliver an Order Form then terminated by you;

Update means software which has been made generally available from time to time by us to our licensees produced primarily to overcome defects in the Product or to provide minor improvements to the performance or functionality, including bug fixes and patches but excludes a New Release;

User means your Personnel who is authorised to use the Product;

We or Us means MYOB Australia Pty Ltd (ABN 12 086 760 198) of Level 3, 168 Cremorne Street, Cremorne, VIC 3121, Australia or MYOB NZ Limited (Company Number 902338) of Level 5, Eden 5, 12 Normanby Road, Mount Eden, Auckland, 1024, New Zealand (as applicable); and

You means the party specified on the Order Form as the ‘Customer’, and your has a corresponding meaning.

13.2 Interpretation

In this Agreement, unless the context requires otherwise:

(a) the headings of clauses and subclauses are only for convenience and do not affect the meaning;

(b) singular words include the plural and vice versa;

(c) a person includes any other legal entity and vice versa;

(d) if a word or phrase is defined, its other forms have the same meaning;

(e) a reference to a party to this Agreement includes its successors and permitted assigns;

(f) a reference to any agreement or document includes any changes to that agreement or document;

(g) an agreement, representation or, warranty by two or more persons binds and benefits them jointly and individually;

(h) if something must be done or paid under this Agreement on a day that is not a Business Day, it must be done or paid on the previous Business Day; and

(i) reference to a statute includes any regulations and amendments under that statute and any new statute that replaces or includes any of its provisions.

Updated September 2023