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Calculating sales commission

If you pay sales commission to staff, we've provided a template at the bottom of this page which lets you calculate commissions for a given period. You'll need to be using the Salesperson field on your invoices for commissions to be calculated.

All you need to do is add this template to your AccountRight report templates. Then when you run the Analyse Sales [Salesperson] report in AccountRight and export it to Excel, the report will display using the downloaded template.

Once you've calculated a sales commission, learn how to pay the commission.

1. Download the report template

  1. Right-click the file ZSALSP.xlt at the bottom of this page and choose Save link as or Save Target as.

  2. Save the file to the Spreadsheet folder here:

  3. When prompted, choose to Replace the file in the destination. This will replace the existing template.

  4. Double-click the ZSALSP.xlt template to open it in Excel.

  5. In the table below the Calculate Commission button, change the sales and commission % to suit your needs. The default table values mean a 5% commission will be calculated on sales up to $500, a 10% commission on sales up to $800, etc.

  6. Save your changes:

    1. Go to the File menu and choose Save As.

    2. Save the file in its original location

    3. Ensure the File name is 'ZSALSP.xlt' and the Save as type is 'Excel 97-2003 template (*.xlt)'.

    4. If prompted to overwrite or replace the existing file, click Yes.

2. Use the report template to calculate commission

  1. In AccountRight, go to the Reports menu and choose Index to Reports.

  2. Click the Sales tab.

  3. Under the Salesperson heading, click the Analyse Sales [Salesperson] report.

  4. In the Dated From and To fields, filter the report for the period you wish to calculate commission for.

  5. Click Export to Excel. The report opens in Excel using the new template.

  6. Click the Calculate Commission button to display commission values in the report.
