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Updating leave balances

If you need to adjust an employee's leave balance, use the Opening leave balance in the employee's contact record (Payroll menu > Employees > click the employee > Leave tab > Annual holidays > Opening leave balance).

Annual holidays screen with opening leave balance field highlighted

Simply increase or decrease this value to increase or decrease the employee's leave balance. For example, to increase their leave balance by 1 week, increase their opening leave balance by 1.

If you need to convert hours to weeks, just divide the hours by the Definition of a week (which is shown in the Annual holidays screen).

Check how much leave your employees have by using the Leave balances report (Reporting menu > Reports > Payroll tab > Leave balances).

If an employee's working week changes

If you change the Hours worked per week (in the Standard pay tab of their employee record), this changes their Definition of a week, but their available leave balance (in weeks) will not change.

For example:

  • An employee works 20 hours per week and their annual leave balance is 4 weeks.

  • If converted to hours, those 4 weeks equal 80 hours (4 weeks x 20 hours)

  • The employee's work hours increase to 30 hours per week.

  • Their annual leave balance will still be 4 weeks, but those 4 weeks are now equal to 120 hours (4 weeks x 30 hours).