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Vigilance - fraud detection software

The Vigilance™ fraud detection software is a cloud based subscription service (SaaS) that uses "big data" to aggregate all of your business bank accounts, payroll and accounting data in one place. This data is then scrutinized constantly through a series of algorithms looking for anomalies such as fraudulent transactions or other transactions that could constitute a risk to your business.

Our software’s key features include:

  • Managing the approval process and ensuring robust internal processes are in place when approving creditor and payroll payments

  • Providing an interactive approval report to ensure the approver(s) of payments are confident that payee and bank accounts match, and highlight any suspicious transactions

  • Analysing MYOB data while cross-checking bank, payroll and creditor data simultaneously

  • Vigilance can be implemented in <60 min.

  • Integrates to all common banks, accounting and payroll systems

  • An automated Audit and Risk Report containing your organization’s risk ranking is sent each month to business owners, Accounts, Board, CFO, CEO, etc.

In today’s digital age, no organization is completely safe from fraud. Does yours have a solution in place?

Check out our website and our Youtube channel to see our product in action and learn more about the benefits of using our fraud detection solution.

Disclaimer: The apps on this site are developed by third parties. MYOB can’t guarantee that the apps are suitable for your business. You should assess the suitability, quality and performance of any apps before using them.