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FREE addon to allow ODBC access to MYOB AccountRight live data.

With MYOB AccountRight's move to the cloud, access to the data using older technology such as ODBC and SQL was impossible.

Until Now.

ODBClink is a FREE add-on to MYOB which solves this problem. It does so by providing a simple set of dialogues to connect to your accounting package as well as a simple mechanism to download this data into Microsoft Access or SQL Server databases.

Once inside a database, the data can be queried and manipulated using SQL. In addition, an ODBC DSN can be created to allow connecting to the data similar to using the MYOB AccountRight Classic ODBC Driver.

ODBClink is compatible with MYOB AccountRight Live 2013 or higher, MYOB AccountRight Classic 19.9 or lower.

ODBClink is FREE to download, register and use.

Consulting, training and support services are provided at an hourly fee.

Disclaimer: The apps on this site are developed by third parties. MYOB can’t guarantee that the apps are suitable for your business. You should assess the suitability, quality and performance of any apps before using them.