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Fixing super payment clearing house errors

If you've received an email from MYOB about a super payment with a Clearing House Error, here's a description of each error and what you need to do.

  • Source Failed - Your direct debit has been dishonoured. You'll need to:

    1. Make sure you have adequate funds in your bank account.

    2. Make sure you've provided the correct bank details. Need to change your bank details?

    3. Record and reprocess the returned super contribution.

  • Source Cancelled - You have requested for the direct debit to be stopped. If SuperChoice have already debited these funds, then funds will be refunded back to your account within 3 days.

  • Destination Failed - Payment to a Super fund has dishonoured due to invalid bank account details provided for an SMSF, or it's an APRA fund that is no longer active.  The payment will be refunded and you will then need to:

    1. Wait until you have received your refund from the super fund to confirm the refund amount.

    2. Using the amount returned, identify the affected fund.

    3. If it's a SMSF, make sure you enter the correct bank account details in MYOB. You can't edit existing SMSF in MYOB so you'll need to create a new SMSF with the correct bank details.

    4. If it's an APRA fund, ensure that fund is accepting contributions. You can check the list of active funds at If the fund has merged with another fund, you'll need to add the new super fund into MYOB and assign it to the impacted employees.

    5. Record and reprocess the returned super contribution.

  • Destination Cancelled - You have requested for the payment to the Super funds to be stopped.  The payment will be refunded and you'll need to record and reprocess the returned super contribution.

  • 4001: Missing request header 'X-Username' for method parameter of type String - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4001: Missing request header 'X-Password' for method parameter of type String - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4002: <field name> is missing for <employee name> with TFN <employee's TFN> and Contribution Total <total amount> - You'll need to update the employee's details in MYOB to enter the missing information.

    1. In MYOB, go to the Payroll menu > Employees.

    2. Click the employee's name.

    3. Update the required details.

    4. Click Save.

    5. Record and reprocess the returned super contribution.

  • 4003: Only supply one payment type element in employer's payment details - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4004: Only supply one fund type element - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4006: All SMSF ABN values must be unique, duplicate SMSF <fund name> - Please ensure that batch payments don’t contain the same SMSF. If you need to pay the same SMSF please process in separate batches. If you continue to have issues, please reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4007: The pay period dates are invalid or end date is before the start date for member <employee's name> - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4009: Address value must be supplied for member <employee's name> - You'll need to update the employee's details in MYOB to enter the missing address information.

    1. In MYOB, go to the Payroll menu > Employees.

    2. Click the employee's name.

    3. Enter the employee's address.

    4. Click Save.

    5. Record and reprocess the returned super contribution.

  • 4011: The totalMemberContributionAmount equals <amount> but the SUM of the other amounts equals <amount> for member <employee's name> - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4012: The amountForFund is <amount> but the SUM of the totalMemberContributionsAmount for members equals <amount> for fund <fund name> - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4013: Employer payment amount is zero - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4013: The directCreditPaymentAMount equals <amount> but the SUM of all of the amountForFund equals <amount> - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4014: Employer payment amount is zero - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4014: The directDebitPaymentAMount equals <amount> but the SUM of all of the amountForFund equals <amount> - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4015: Invalid ESA for SMSF <fund name> - The details for the SMSF are incorrect, please confirm the SMSF is active. You can check this by visiting

  • 4016: Contribution <amount> value is zero for member <employee's name> - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4017: Employer payment amount is zero - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4017: The dataOnlyPaymentAMount equals <amount> but the SUM of all of the amountForFund equals <amount> - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4018: Duplicate request - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4019: The TFN is invalid for member <employee's name> - You'll need to check and update the employee's tax file number in MYOB.

    1. In MYOB, go to the Payroll menu > Employees.

    2. Click the employee's name.

    3. Click the Payroll details tab > Taxes tab.

    4. Confirm the employee's Tax file number is correct.

    5. Click Save.

    6. Record and reprocess the returned super contribution.

  • 4020: Unable to process request - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4021: Employer payment amount cannot have more than two decimals - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4022: Contribution superGuaranteeAmount.value cannot have more than two decimals for member <employee's name> - You'll need help from the PaySuper Support team. You can reply to the email you've received, or email

  • 4022: An invalid bank account details were supplied for SMSF <fund name>. Account BSB and account number cannot be zeroes - The SMSF bank details are incorrect. You can't edit existing SMSF in MYOB so you'll need to:

    1. Create a new SMSF with the correct bank details.

    2. Record and reprocess the returned super contribution.

  • 4030: Fund <fund name> not found - Please check that you are using a complying active fund. You can check this by visiting

  • 4030: SMSF <fund name> not found - Please check that you are using a complying active fund. You can check this by visiting

  • 4030: Employer <employer ID> not found - One of the systems used by Pay Super to check a business's details or ABN is experiencing an outage. Try submitting the super payment again later.

Can't find your answer?

Email the PaySuper support team at or contact us for help.