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MYOB Developer Program and Platform Terms and Conditions

These MYOB Developer Program and Platform Terms and Conditions (Terms) govern the relationship between us and Members of our Developer Program (Program). These Terms apply to all Members of the Program.

MYOB Advanced has been renamed MYOB Acumatica. As we transition to MYOB Acumatica, you might notice both names being used interchangeably in the product interface, on our website, and within our documentation.

These MYOB Developer Program and Platform Terms and Conditions (Terms) govern the relationship between us and Members of our Developer Program (Program). These Terms apply to all Members of the Program.

These Terms supersede all prior Terms and come into force on 17 January 2023.

The Program allows you to connect Your new and existing applications, products and services (Application) with MYOB’s applications, products and services (as determined by us from time to time) (Products).

As a Member of the Program, Your access to and use of the MYOB APIs, Products, Access Credentials, together with developer webpages and associated documentation (collectively, the Platform), is governed by these Terms.

Eligibility And Accreditation

1. To be eligible for the Program, you must:

  • be a Developer (unless otherwise agreed by MYOB);

  • register to become a Developer Partner by following the accreditation process established by MYOB;

  • identify which MYOB APIs you require access to and a describe a use case for Your Application (Initial Use Case);

  • describe the services you provide and a link to at least one case study based on a MYOB integration; and

  • agree to adhere to MYOB Security Requirements and the MYOB Partner Brand Guidelines.

2. Your accreditation as a Developer Partner will not be confirmed until the above steps are complete to MYOB’s satisfaction. MYOB reserves the right to accept or decline any organisation or individual becoming a Developer Partner in its sole discretion.

3. You accept and agree to these Terms at the time of registration and on an on-going basis whilst you continue to be part of the Program, on Your own behalf and/or on behalf of Your company, organisation, educational institution, agency or department as its authorised legal representative, by doing either of the following:

  • checking the box displayed at the end of this Agreement if You are reading this on an MYOB website; or

  • clicking an “Submit”, “Agree” or similar button, where this option is provided by MYOB.

4. If you don’t agree to be bound by these Terms or cease to comply with the requirements of section 1 above, you can’t be part of the Program. If You are agreeing to these Terms on behalf of Your company, organisation, partnership or other corporate entity, then you agree and acknowledge that you are binding such entity to these Terms, and that you are fully authorised to do so.

Your Relationship With Us

5. Your acceptance to the Program doesn’t create any employment, agency, joint venture or partnership between you and us. With the exception of the specific rights set out in these Terms, no further special rights or legal relationship are granted to you as a result of Your Membership.

Application Development And Program Membership

6. You agree to be a Developer Partner, and we agree to accept you as a Developer Partner, subject to these Terms. These Terms remain in effect until terminated.
7. Your Membership takes effect once we accept Your registration. Your membership continues on a monthly basis, unless terminated in accordance with these Terms.

8. Membership entitles you to certain benefits, depending on Your Membership Level (Membership Benefits). For details of the Membership Benefits, refer to

9. If Your Application is a Public Application, unless otherwise advised by MYOB, you must have finished the integration of Your Application with an MYOB Product (Integration) within 6 months of being granted a Program Membership (or within a time frame otherwise advised by MYOB). If you require more than 6 months to finish your Integration, you must notify MYOB. If the Integration is not completed within 6 months, and you have not notified MYOB that you require an extension of time, MYOB may deactivate your Access Credentials and may terminate your Membership.

10. Prior to MYOB listing Your Application on the MYOB App Marketplace, you must have at least 5 Users utilising your Integration.

11. At Your expense, you must provide MYOB with a royalty-free, revocable, worldwide, non-exclusive, transferable license to use Your Application for testing, review or other related purposes to ensure that Your Application complies with this Agreement.

Our General Obligations To You

12. Throughout Your Membership, we will:

  • permit you to access a local and online development version(s) of the Products;

  • ensure that our Platform and Products conform to their specifications;

  • give you relevant information about any new Platform or Products or updates to our existing Platform or Products. As part of this, we may give you access to relevant resources or information about the operation, availability, cost or performance of the Product;

  • give you Your Membership Benefits; and

  • make information available to Users about you and Your Application via MYOB’s App Marketplace (subject to section 10).

Your Obligations

13. General Obligations

You agree to:

  • adhere at all times to MYOB Security Requirements;

  • adhere at all times to including ensuring that all use of MYOB promotional and branding material is up to date and in accordance with the MYOB Partner Brand Guidelines;

  • in using the Platform, only use those MYOB APIs that you are authorised to use by MYOB;

  • pay any Fees due to us in full and on time. Fees are non-refundable and non-transferable;

  • ensure that any Apps that you develop are compatible with our Platform and Products. You are solely responsible for ensuring that Your Application is compatible with our Platform and Products;

  • comply at all times with any applicable Laws, particularly in relation to the way that Personal Information is collected, used and disclosed within Your Application;

  • conduct Yourself in a way that protects and promotes our image and brand and doesn’t demean or damage our reputation or the reputation of our Products;

  • comply with any technical standards, support processes and instructions that we give from time to time. In particular, where applicable, you must support new Platform features, changes and updates within Your Application by the end of Your next release;

  • not use the Platform, the Products or any APIs to access or use any User data for which you do not have express written consent from MYOB or MYOB’s customer to access or use that User data;

  • not access or use any APIs for any purposes for which You are not authorised to access or use the APIs by MYOB;

  • positively contribute to all our Program-sponsored activities;

  • where we receive a complaint about you from a User in relation to Your Application, provide us with a satisfactory response within 14 days of us notifying you of the complaint. If we consider a complaint about you to be justified, you must comply with any reasonable directions that we give you to resolve the complaint, at Your own cost and expense;

  • attend to and respond to any correspondence and communications when we reasonably ask you to do so;

  • promptly notify us if Your Application is modified in comparison to the version that we have reviewed and approved and provide additional use cases if requested by MYOB;

  • if applicable, work with us and provide us and our Partner network with all relevant marketing and support material in relation to Your Application, including promptly providing us with any updates or changes to Your Application (e.g. changes in pricing);

  • during Your Membership and for a period of five (5) years following termination of Your Membership, not disclose or permit to be disclosed any of the Confidential Information (apart from information which is clearly in the public domain) that we have provided to you as part of Your Membership; and

  • ensure that all of Your employees, officers or agents involved in developing Your Applications comply with these Terms.

14. Obligations to us and Your Customers:

  • You and Your Application will clearly identify its purpose to the User and not mislead or deceive the User with respect to the functionality your Application performs or what User Data your Application may access and handle;

  • maintain Your own legally binding contractual agreement and privacy policy with Your customers (including any Users) which clearly set out the nature of Your Application, it’s integration with the MYOB Product, and how you will be collecting and handling User Data from the MYOB Product (assuming that you have third-party users or that Your Application allows for the retrieval of User Data) (Your Terms);

  • provide technical and customer support to Your customers (as required under Your Terms). You acknowledge that MYOB will not provide any technical or customer support to Your Customers, in relation to Your Application;

  • adhere to the end user authentication process as established by MYOB from time to time, including presenting the User with an ability to log into MYOB via the OAuth protocol. You must not solicit or store MYOB passwords nor should you ever direct the User to invite you as a user of their MYOB Product. For any of Your Customers who do not already have an MYOB account, you should give them an opportunity to create a new MYOB account as provided by MYOB;

  • if a User allows Your Application to retrieve any information (including Personal Information), data or content, including where such data is aggregated by you across more than one user (User Data) from the MYOB Product, you must

a. access only the APIs and the minimum data fields Your Application needs to work properly, as permitted by the User;

b. ensure the User Data is collected, stored, handled, used and disclosed in accordance with Your Terms, all Laws and reasonable measures that protect the privacy and security of the User Data (including at a minimum those at );

c. without limiting sections 14(a)-(b), you must not retrieve data fields containing Sensitive Personal Information without the express consent of the User;

d. not share the User Data with anyone outside of Your company, organisation, educational institution, agency or department, except:

i. as permitted under these Terms;

ii. if required to disclose by law or regulation or pursuant to any order, direction or request made by any court, regulatory body or governmental agency; or

iii. unless you have a separate right to share User Data to a third-party under another agreement with MYOB.

  • if a User allows Your Application to retrieve cardholder’s account number, expiration date or CCV2 (Card Information), you may not disclose that Card Information to any third party, other than in connection with processing card transaction requested by Your Customer under Your Terms and in a manner consistent with PCI DSS and any applicable laws.

15. Things you must not do as a Member of the Program

  • attempt to exceed or circumvent limitations on MYOB API calls, access and use;

  • misrepresent or mask Your identity or Your Service’s identity when using MYOB's APIs or developer accounts.

  • communicate or disperse performance information (including uptime, response time or benchmarks) relating to the MYOB APIs, to anyone outside of Your company, organisation, educational institution, agency or department;

  • reverse-engineer, decompile, or otherwise attempt to discover source code, formulae or processes in respect of the software behind the Platform;

  • upload any material (including pdf. and .jpg files) into MYOB Business, or otherwise use MYOB Business in any way which is: harmful, threatening, abusive, vulgar, obscene or otherwise objectionable;

  • cause any damage or harm to our production environment including submitting to the Platform any viruses, worms, defects, Trojan horses, malware or any items of a destructive nature;

  • sublicense MYOB APIs for use by a third-party;

  • use the Platform to send “spam” or otherwise make available any offering designed to violate these Terms;

  • use User Data to assist with any unsolicited marketing communications to any person;

  • resell, for a fee or any other commercial benefit, any User Data (for the purpose of this section 15 “resell” does not include Your charging subscription fees for access to Your Application);

  • permit any third party to use any User Data, for any purpose not directly related to Your advertised service or product offering, including but not limited to the on-sale of transactional bank feed data or any revenue generating product or services; or

  • access the Platform for competitive purposes.

16. Middleware obligations

You are a middleware provider if Your Application is one that enables one or more kinds of communication or connectivity between an MYOB Product and a third-party application (End Recipient), service or product (Middleware Provider). In addition to the obligations described in sections 13 and 15, as a Middleware Provider you also:

  • must notify MYOB in writing that You are a Middleware Provider;

  • if you have been using the Platform or the Products as a Middleware Provider prior to the date these Terms come into force, You must immediately advise MYOB whether any Access Credentials issued in any End Recipient’s name or Your name:

    1. have been shared with any third parties;

    2. the use cases those Access Credentials are being used for; and

    3. the specific Access Credentials in question.

  • register Your access and use of the Platform and Products, including Your Access Credentials as a Middleware Provider;

  • not use any End Recipient Access Credentials to access the Platform and Products;

  • represent that you are acting as an agent of the End Recipient, and you have the authority to bind the End Recipient to these Terms. In such cases, any reference throughout these Terms to “Developer Partner”, “you” or “Your” includes the End Recipient; and

  • you are only permitted to pass on any User Data to the End Recipient as permitted by the User in accordance with Your Terms and as directly related to Your advertised service offering.

Use Of Apps

17. You acknowledge and agree that:

  • Your use of our Platform and any Product and Confidential Information that we supply to you under these Terms:

    • is intended solely for Your own in-house use and for the sole purpose of developing enabling Your Application to access or interface with the MYOB Product;

    • in the case of a Product, is subject to the standard terms of use that apply to that Product. Please refer to for more information;

  • Your use of our Platform is subject to call, usage and other limits as described at (for MYOB Business, MYOB Essentials and MYOB Account Right Developer Program) and (for MYOB Acumatica Developer Program) (as may be modified from time to time, and which are incorporated into these Terms) or as we otherwise notify you. All of Your rights are non-assignable, non-transferrable, and non-sublicensable.

  • if we receive any data from or on behalf of a User via Your Application, this data will be subject to our Product terms of use;

  • any MYOB Product supplied to you under these Terms remains our property and must not be sold, distributed, given away, transferred or otherwise disposed of to any third party;

  • if you use our ODBC Driver:

    • Your use of our ODBC Driver and associated documents and tools will be subject to the terms and conditions set out in the ODBC developer resource kit; and

    • you acknowledge that we reserve the right to cease support for ODBC. If this happens, we’ll let you know with at least 30 days’ notice.

Program Restrictions

18. You acknowledge and agree that:

  • if Your App is a financial service, our commercial arrangements with third parties may prohibit us from actively promoting you to our Users;

  • if you build an App which in any way competes with any of our Products or any other service that we market (whether our own service or in partnership with a third party), we reserve the right to withhold any endorsements, promotions or support which you may otherwise be entitled to as part of Your Membership; and

  • if Your Application is in breach of these Terms, we may either:

    • require you to change Your App (to the extent that it operates within our production environment); or

    • remove Your App from our production environment.

Changes To Our Platform, Products And Terms

19. We reserve the right to add to, amend, withdraw or withhold any of these benefits or privileges at any time, with notice to you. Sections 20 and 21 set out how we can change these Terms and give you notice of those changes

20. We reserve the right at any time, without liability or prior notice, to:

  • determine what constitutes a Platform or Product, including but not limited to its features, characteristics, documentation, and related materials;

  • discontinue the sale of a Product, including in cases where we’ve granted a third party exclusive sales or marketing rights to one or more Products;

  • change or terminate any Platform or Product features; or

  • change or terminate the level or type of support or service which we make available for our Platform or Products.

21. If we make any changes under sections 19 and 20 that will materially affect or disrupt Your Membership, we’ll provide you with at least 30 days’ notice in writing. You acknowledge and agree that one months’ notice is sufficient time for you to make changes to Your Application, if required, to ensure that Your Application are compatible with the changes of our Platform and Products. We aren’t responsible and will not be liable for any interruptions or failure of Your Application.

22. You acknowledge that we make no guarantee that we won’t develop a Product that’s similar to or competitive with Your Application. We reserve all of our rights to develop any such Product in the future.

Confidential Information

23. MYOB may provide certain information to you that is confidential or proprietary (Confidential Information). Confidential Information includes:

  1. Your Access Credentials for the Program;

  2. any non-public elements of the Program;

  3. any pre-release information about an MYOB application, service or product; and

  4. anything identified or marked as “Confidential” or “Proprietary” or that should reasonably be understand as confidential or proprietary under the circumstances.

24. You may use Confidential Information only for the purposes of these Terms. You must not disclose any Confidential Information to third parties, other than Your employees, agents and advisors with a need to know and for whom you agree to remain responsible under these Terms.

25. You cannot share Access Credentials with anyone outside Your company, organisation, educational institution, agency or department, without prior approval from MYOB, which may be subject to any conditions MYOB imposes at its sole discretion.


26. From time to time we may invite you to attend our events.

27. Fees for attendance at these events will be in addition to Your Membership Fees. As a Member, you may be eligible for discounted event Fees, depending on Your level of Membership. Please refer to Your Membership details on for more information.

28. Events might be subject to additional terms, such as exhibitor terms. To attend the events, you must agree to those additional terms.

Intellectual Property

29. You acknowledge that we’ll retain the ownership of all rights (including intellectual property rights) in material that we develop before or during Your Membership.

30. We grant you a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable and royalty-free licence to use, reproduce and communicate MYOB's trademarks and branding for the sole purpose of promoting Your Application, provided that you follow the requirements set out in this section 21.

31. You may use our trademarks and branding, and hold Yourself out to be a ‘Developer Partner’ for the purpose of promoting Your Membership, provided that you:

  • obtain our written approval first before you publish our trademarks and branding (which we won’t unreasonably withhold) or any formal press release;

  • refrain from using our trademarks and branding as part of Your own product name, service offering, URL, or as a component of another logo, without our prior written approval;

  • display our branding in a way that complies with our brand guidelines and any other directions that we give you from time to time.

32. You must promptly let us know if you become aware of an infringement of any of our intellectual property or other ownership rights, or if you become aware of a claim by any party that any of our Products, trademarks or logos infringe on a third party’s intellectual property or ownership rights.

33. You grant MYOB a non-transferable, non-exclusive, revocable and royalty-free licence to use, reproduce and communicate Your trademarks and branding for the purpose of promoting Your Application, our Products, Platform and Program. Any such promotion will be at our discretion. We acknowledge that nothing in these Terms grants us any rights or interest in Your trademarks or any other intellectual property rights.

Liability And Indemnity

34. You indemnify and will continue to indemnify MYOB in respect of any loss, damages, expenses, compensation or claims (Loss) arising as a result of:

  • a breach by you of these Terms;

  • any wrongful, negligent or willful act or omission carried out by you as a Developer Partner; or

  • Your Application and Your relationships or interactions with Your Customers, any Users or distributors of Your Application, including any infringement or alleged infringement of a third party’s intellectual property rights by you or Your Application.

35. If we have caused or contributed to any Loss, then Your liability under this section will be limited to the amount of the Loss which is directly attributable to Your conduct.

36. To the extent permitted by law, our liability to you for any Loss arising out of or in connection with these Terms, or any breach by us of these Terms however arising is limited to the amount equivalent to 24 months of Your Membership Fees.

37. Under no circumstances will either party to these Terms be liable to the other party for any special or indirect losses, including but not limited to loss of profits, loss of opportunity or loss of business.

Termination, Suspension And Deactivation

38. Either party can terminate Your Membership for any reason by giving the other party at least 30 days’ notice in writing.

39. Without limiting the foregoing, you acknowledge and agree that MYOB may deactivate Your Access Credentials if Your Access Credentials have not been used within the last 12 months. If all Your Access Credentials are terminated in accordance with this section 39, MYOB will also terminate Your Membership.

40. At any time, we may temporarily deactivate (i.e. suspend) Your Access Credentials or terminate Your Membership immediately by giving you written notice if:

  • you breach any of these Terms, and:

    • the breach can’t be remedied; or

    • or if the breach can be remedied, you fail or refuse to do so within 14 days of us informing you about the breach; or

  • you commit any act of bankruptcy, become insolvent or if a liquidator or receiver is appointed in relation to Your assets; or

  • act in a way which, in our opinion, brings our brand into disrepute.

41. You may terminate Your Membership at any time by giving us at least 14 days written notice if we breach any of these Terms.

42. On termination of Your Membership:

  • we’ll stop providing you with any benefits that you receive from us as part of the Program;

  • Your Access Credentials will permanently be deactivated. You acknowledge that this means Your Customers will no longer have access to your Integration;

  • all rights and licenses granted to you under these Terms will terminate immediately and you must stop using all MYOB products, services and documentation (unless you have a separate right to use them under another agreement with MYOB); and

  • you must immediately:

    • cease using any MYOB APIs;

    • pay any outstanding Fees that are due to us (if you’re a paying Developer Partner);

    • uninstall and delete any software we have provided to you as a benefit of the Program;

    • return all of our property and Program related materials to us;

    • cease using and destroy any Confidential Information and any other data that we’ve given you in connection with the Program; and

    • cease using the Program name, MYOB's trademarks and branding and any branded material and in any manner holding Yourself out to be a Developer Partner of the Program.

Changes To Fees And Terms

43. We may change any of these Terms (including any Fees) from time to time.

44. We’ll give you notice of at least:

  • 20 days, in the event of a change to Your Fees; or

  • 30 days, in the event of any change that is likely to materially affect or disrupt Your Membership, except in circumstances where such a change is due to events outside of our control, such as when we need to restore or maintain the security of our Products or systems, in which case we may make changes to Your Membership or these Terms without advance notice.

45. For changes to these Terms other than the changes set out in sections 19, 20, 43 and 44, we may not provide you with notice of such changes. Please check regularly to see if there have been any changes to these Terms.

46. If we make a change to Your Membership or these Terms pursuant to sections 19, 20, 43 and 44, you have the option to terminate Your Membership by giving us at least 10 days written notice.

47. Your subsequent participation in the Program following the effective date of the change will constitute Your acceptance of the updated Terms.


48. You agree that all communications from you to us in relation to the Program will be by email, unless we agree another method with you.

49. Any notice or communication to or by a party by email is regarded as being given by the sender and received by the addressee when sent (unless the sender receives a delivery failure notification indicating that the email has not been delivered to the addressee). If the delivery or receipt is on a day which is after 5.00pm (addressee’s time) it’s regarded as received at 9.00am on the following day.

50. All communications from us to you in relation to the Program will be by email or by posting on the Program home page, inside the MYOB Community Forum, and/or on the MYOB blog. That notice or other communication is regarded as being given by us and received by you when the posting is made. We recommend that you regularly check these sites for notices and other communications.

Your Privacy

51. We collect, disclose and use Your Personal Information to provide software and services and associated support to you, respond to Your enquiries or feedback and to promote software and services offered by us and associated third parties. We may collect Personal Information from you, from public sources such as social media websites and from third parties that provide us with marketing leads.

52. To do these things, we may provide Your Personal Information to our related companies and to third parties that we outsource functions to. These entities may be located in Australia, New Zealand, Manilla and the United States. If you do not provide Your Personal Information, it may affect our ability to do business with you.

53. You consent to us collecting, using and disclosing Your Personal Information for the purposes outlined above.

54. If you are registering in New Zealand: You can ask us not to use Your information to promote products and services by contacting the Privacy Officer using the details outlined in the MYOB Group Privacy Policy for New Zealand below. Click here for the MYOB Group Privacy Policy for New Zealand.

55. If you are registering in Australia or other countries: You can ask us not to use Your information to promote products and services by following the process outlined in the MYOB Group Privacy Policy, located at The MYOB Group Privacy Policy contains information on how to:

  • update Your preferences about the marketing and promotional material that we send to you;

  • request access to and seek correction of the Personal Information that we hold about you;

  • make a privacy complaint;

  • how we will deal with Your complaint; and

  • contact our Privacy Officer.

Security And Privacy

56. You represent, warrant and covenant that you (including Your employees, agents and related entities) are, and will remain throughout the term of this Terms in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations including all data protection and privacy laws.

57. You must take all reasonable steps to ensure that all Users’ data and information (including Personal Information) is protected from misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure, including effecting and maintaining reasonable security measures to protect those data and information against misuse, loss, unauthorised access, modification or disclosure while you have access to or possession of that information in any form.

58. You must immediately notify MYOB if you become aware of:

  • any misuse or misappropriation of, or any reasonably suspected or actual threat to, Users’ Personal Information; or

  • breach of security or data incident (including unauthorised access to, or unauthorised disclosure of Users’ data and information), or the introduction of any malicious code into our production environment.


59. These Terms and any other terms and conditions set out or referred to in the documents accompanying these Terms make up the entire agreement between you and us and supersede any and all prior, oral or written representations, communications, understandings and agreements between you and us in relation to the use of our Platform and the development of Apps by you.

60. These Terms will be governed by the law of the State of Victoria, Australia and any dispute arising out of these Terms or Your participation in the Program will be determined by the courts of the relevant location.

61. If any part of these Terms is void, unenforceable or illegal in a jurisdiction, that part does not apply in that jurisdiction. However, the remainder of the Terms continue in operation in that jurisdiction unless this would alter the basic agreement between you and us, in which case we can terminate these Terms at our option.

62. No course of conduct or inaction by us in connection with these Terms will be deemed a waiver of any of our rights.

63. You can’t assign or otherwise transfer the benefit of these Terms without our prior written consent. We can assign or otherwise transfer the benefit of these Terms between us and you.

Words That We Use In These Terms

  • Access Credentials means the necessary security keys, secrets, tokens, and other credentials to access the Platform and any MYOB APIs.

  • Application or App means the software application, website, interface, product, tool, solution or customisation developed by you or on Your behalf using our Platform, for integration with our Products;

  • Confidential Information is defined in section 23.

  • Bespoke Integration Application means an Application that is only made available to a single customer, user or organisation.

  • Developer means an individual, company, organisation, partnership or other corporate entity that develops, owns or operates one or more Application(s) that accesses or uses the MYOB API.

  • End Recipient has the meaning given to it in section 16.

  • Fees means the fees and charges related to Your Membership, as notified to you from time to time and as published, including Your monthly membership fees, any distributor fees and event fees where applicable;

  • Integration is defined in section 9.

  • Laws includes the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth), the Spam Act 2003 (Cth) (Australia), the Privacy Act 2020 and the Unsolicited Electronic Communications Act 2007 (New Zealand) as updated, replaced or amended from time to time;

  • Developer Partner means a member of the Program;

  • Membership means the attributed rights and responsibilities of being a Member as described within these Terms;

  • Membership Benefits has the meaning given in section 8;

  • Membership Level means a level or status of Membership which determines the Membership Benefits to which a Member is entitled;

  • Middleware Provider has the meaning given to it in section 16.

  • MYOB API means any application programming interface(s) made available by us.

  • Personal Information has the same meaning as is given to that term in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth);

  • Platform means any API made available by us, together with certain core Products (as determined by us from time to time), Access Credentials, developer webpages and associated documentation;

  • Products means any products released by us from time to time under the MYOB brand, as published on;

  • Program means the overall MYOB development, testing and distribution program contemplated in these developer program Terms;

  • Public Application means an Application that is not a Bespoke Integration Application, developed by an independent software vendor (“ISV”).

  • Sensitive Personal Information means Personal Information that can reveal racial or ethnic origin, political opinions, religious or philosophical beliefs, trade union membership, genetic data, sexual orientation or sex life. Sensitive Personal Information also includes biometric data that can uniquely identify a natural person, payment information (including payment card or bank account numbers), and government identifiers that uniquely identify a natural person such as a tax file number, drivers’ licence or passport number.

  • Terms means these MYOB Developer Program and Platform terms and conditions;

  • User mean the individual, business, partnership or organisation user of our Products;

  • We, us, our means MYOB Australia Pty Ltd; and

  • you, Your, Yours means and refers to the person(s) or business that has applied to and been accepted into the MYOB Developer Program. A business may be a sole trader, partnership, company, trust or another type of organisation or entity.

  • Your Customers means any individual or entity for whom the You have provided services or products or made a proposal to perform services or provide products.