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Sales Pulse

Sales Pulse analyses repeat purchase behaviour to give reps the insight they need to sell smarter.

CRM, without too much M.

Sales Pulse simplifies CRM for sales teams and the wider business. It enables reps to focus on curated, ready-to-buy leads, while providing managers with insights on team performance and purchase trends.

Sales Pulse strikes a balance between knowledge and data. ERP systems overwhelm sales reps with excess information, while CRM systems fail to provide actionable cues. Sales Pulse meets these goals halfway and delivers the right amount of insight to enhance sales performance greatly.

Sales Pulse for Sales Reps

The best reps know their customers, anticipating purchases down to the SKU. Sales Pulse automates this labour-intensive sales analysis by delivering the crucial customer and product insights reps need to close sales effectively in a single view. Sales Pulse also empowers reps to maximize every opportunity, by anticipating needs and generating intelligent product recommendations.

Sales Pulse for Sales Managers

Sales Pulse enables leaders to track performance and create friendly competition through a weekly leaderboard of sales calls and customer contacts. From a comprehensive dashboard view, catch up on customer notes in a simplified, colour-coded table to identify critical engagements. Sales Pulse also provides real-time insights into lost sales and recommendations, generating boardroom-ready reports.

Sales Pulse for Business Owners

Sales Pulse is the platform that proves its own ROI, featuring a dashboard that showcases actual returns from team engagement with Sales Pulse on a weekly, monthly, and yearly basis. You can also leverage the views to strategise on new revenue opportunities and SKU expansion with a clear view of customer purchase behaviours at the product level.

Targeted, Insight-Led and Quantified

Today's B2B repeat sales environment is rich in data but often lacking in insights. TIQ is an approach to repeat sales derived from our observations of sales excellence in wholesale distribution and supply chain – and it underpins every feature and function of Sales Pulse.

Sales Pulse turns the data locked away in ERP and CRM systems into Targeted, Insight-led and Quantified leads, ready for a sales rep to chase and close. It sets a standard for ensuring sales teams build a strategic focus on preventing lost sales and driving upsells, capturing opportunities at the right moment, and ensuring each sales interaction is informed by a history of purchase behaviours.

Want to see Sales Pulse for yourself?

Send us an email, and we’ll send a product walkthrough video right away.

About Sales Pulse

Based in Brisbane, Australia, Sales Pulse was founded and built by Alan Gould, a highly experienced entrepreneur, CTO and Consultant. Sales Pulse comprises a product-obsessed team that is deeply aligned with understanding the challenges of sales teams in wholesale supply and distribution.