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Resource management/Online timesheet/Labour hire software

R3sourcer Software allows to automate complex business processes and HR management using wide range of functions - from basic ones to the most innovative up to day. This Software is developed to fit any industry while keeping automation processes simple and user friendly.

Check how R3sourcer helps to solve issues that many businesses face nowadays:
- If you have employee running late or not going to work at all, you’ll find out before not when it'ss too late. How? R3sourcer automatically checks workers are on their way and if not - a replacement has already been found and sent on his way.
- Use the distance calculator and mapping function to find out the distance between your job site and the employee. R3sourcer has a visual solution to see the jobsite locations and employee locations on a real time map.
- With an intuitive interface and tested security options, R3sourcer allows you to manage your timesheet generation and approval process with full control and peace of mind. Get reports of every tracked time, so you can easily identify working hours, overtimes and brakes.

R3sourcer Software allows to use many other functions, such as automated invoicing, online timesheets, scheduling, sales workflow and much more for a very affordable price!

Disclaimer: The apps on this site are developed by third parties. MYOB can’t guarantee that the apps are suitable for your business. You should assess the suitability, quality and performance of any apps before using them.