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Software and support to help Childcare centres thrive through simpler more efficient admin

Smartfees provides Childcare centres with the tools they need to administer centre operations, parent payments and government rebates. To simplify your centre administration, integration with MYOB and our payment gateway is included in all version of the product. Smartfees has both cloud and desktop versions. Cloud versions also integrate with our parent portal to streamline enrolments and contact information updates even further.

SmartFees will help transform your business to help you meet compliance obligations and grow revenue. SmartFees is the only CCMS software in Australia that is a registered partner with MYOB, it is also a registered CCMS cloud solution with the Department of Social Services and has been in operation for 29 years. With SmartFees you can log on anytime, anywhere. As it's subscription based and hosted in the cloud, you don't have to worry about performing any updates or backups as it's all done for you automatically.

Business Support

SmartFees will support you all the way. There are qualified staff on hand with the experience to conduct business analysis and provide recommendations on cash flow issues, looking at credit management facilities and marketing your business.

Technical Support

As a customer, whenever you contact support for assistance, your case will be managed by one person throughout the whole process through to completion. So you don't have to waste any of your time to get a technical issue resolved.

Opening a new centre?

If you're starting from scratch The SmartFees Team can help you get your back office running smoothly with the right tools and support so you can concentrate on the kids. Handy guides, great tools with the right technical and business support can tip the balance from struggle to smart.

Switching from another provider?

If you're currently with another CCMS provider and looking at switching, SmartFees can make the process easy. The support team will be with you throughout the whole transition to help you get the best out your new system and your administration processes.

Disclaimer: The apps on this site are developed by third parties. MYOB can’t guarantee that the apps are suitable for your business. You should assess the suitability, quality and performance of any apps before using them.