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Task details

Details of a task can be accessed by selecting a task in either the Open or Completed view of your Tasks page.

The Tasks details page contains all the detailed information regarding a task, such as:

Task details

For a task associated with the digital approval of documents, this is the text that you entered in the Title field of the Publish to Portal page when you published your documents.
For a general task, this is the text that you entered in the Title field of the Create task page.
Text you entered in the Description field also appears here.

Task information

Listed in this section are the task's properties:

  • status of the task

  • the client to whom the task was assigned to

  • the client portal the task was assigned to

  • when the task was created and by whom

  • the date the task is due to be completed

  • task code

  • who the task and notification emails will appear to be sent by

  • who will be notified when a client adds a comment or approves a document. 


A list of documents that are attached to the task.
The documents can be opened from here by clicking on a document and viewing it in your PDF viewer.


If the task is associated with the digital approval of documents, then the clients who have been assigned to approve the documents are listed. For each client, the task status is listed to the right of the client's name.

Activity and comments

All the comments associated with the task - made by either you or your client are listed in chronological order. Any files that have been attached as part of a comment are also listed and can be viewed.

For activities that generate an email notification (either incoming and outgoing), click the activity's Email Activity button to view the date and time that the:

  • email was delivered

  • email was opened

  • link in the email was clicked.

Note that depending on your client's email software or privacy settings, tracking might not be available for some activities.

Need to send a reminder?
If a user hasn't opened their email, completed their task or approved a document, you can send them a reminder by clicking Resend task.

Write a comment

You can enter a new comment and attach a file if appropriate, and then click Add comment to save it.

The comment will appear in the task details on this page and in the client's portal. The client will be sent an email notification that you have added a comment to the task.