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Setting default email delivery methods

You can streamline your AccountRight email by setting defaults on who gets emails and when they're sent.

To choose email as the default delivery method


If you usually email forms, rather than print them, you can set an option to make email the default delivery for customers, suppliers and employees.

To set email as the default delivery method for a customer

  1. Go to the Card File command centre and click Cards List.

  2. Open a customer card.

  3. Click the Selling Details tab.

  4. Set the Invoice Delivery field to To be Emailed.

    The Printed Form and Invoice Delivery options aren't available if No Default or Miscellaneous is selected in the Sale Layout field.

To set email as the default delivery method for a supplier's purchase orders

  1. Go to the Card File command centre and click Cards List.

  2. Open a supplier card.

  3. Click the Buying Details tab.

  4. Set the Purchase Order Delivery field to To be Emailed.

    The Printed Form and Purchase Order Delivery options aren't available if No Default or Miscellaneous is selected in the Purchase Layout field.

To set email as the default delivery method for a supplier's remittance advices

This feature is available in AccountRight 2015.4 and later

To update a supplier card

  1. Go to the Card File command centre and click Cards List.

  2. Open the supplier's card.

  3. Click the Payment Details tab.

  4. Set the Remittance Advice Delivery Status field to To be Emailed or To be Printed and Emailed

  5. Confirm or enter the email address.

  6. Click OK.

To bulk update supplier cards

If you have lots of supplier cards, you can export the cards, update them in Excel, then import the cards back into AccountRight.

Here are the basics (see Bulk update customer and supplier cards for more details).

  1. Export your supplier cards.

  2. Choose to export these fields:

    • Co./Last Name

    • First Name

    • Remittance Method

  3. Open the export file in Excel.

  4. In the Remittance Method column, set the delivery method for each supplier by entering EBP or A.

    • E = To Be Emailed

    • B = To Be Printed and Emailed

    • P = To Be Printed

    • A =  Already Printed or Sent

  5. Save the export file.

  6. Import the file back into AccountRight.

    1. At the Format step, select Update existing data.

    2. At the Match Fields step, click Auto Match.

Your supplier cards are now updated with a delivery method for remittance advices.

To set email as the default delivery method for an employee's pay slips

  1. Go to the Card File command centre and click Cards List.

  2. Open an employee card.

  3. Click the Payroll Details tab.

  4. Set the Pay Slip Delivery field to To be Emailed.

To choose to immediately send an email when recording a sale or purchase


You can choose to email a sale or purchase to a customer or supplier immediately after recording the transaction.

Here's how you would set it up

  1. Go to the Setup menu and choose Preferences.

  2. Click the Sales tab.

  3. Select the first checkbox labelled Automatically [...] Sales When They are Recorded.

  4. Select Email from the list.

  5. Click the Purchases tab.

  6. Select the first checkbox labelled Automatically [...] Purchases When They are Recorded.

  7. Select Email from the list.

  8. Click OK.

To change the email address your emails are sent from


If your emails are sent through Microsoft Outlook, the emails will be sent from whichever email address has been set as the default in Outlook. See Sending emails using Microsoft Outlook for information on setting your default email address.

Emails sent directly from AccountRight are sent from an email address which cannot be changed. But you can set your reply-to email address as described in Set up AccountRight to send emails.

To change the default form used when emailing


Once you've designed and saved a form template, you can make it the default template to use when printing or emailing.

See Set the default forms to use when emailing or printing.


Why is the From address shown as


Emails sent from AccountRight are delivered on your behalf using MYOB’s email server. Emails sent from the domain are digitally signed using a Domain Keys Identified Mail (DKIM) signature and the domain is protected by the Sender Policy Framework (SPF).

These measures reduce the risk of phishing, and emails sent from AccountRight are less likely to be considered spam by your recipient’s email service.

Some email services won’t accept messages that are sent on behalf of someone else. For example, emails that have an From address, but are delivered using another email provider’s mail server could be marked as spam or be blocked by the recipient’s email provider.

To avoid these issues, AccountRight’s emails are sent from MYOB’s verified email server, and have an From address.

Why are my emails coming from the wrong email address?


If your emails are sent through Microsoft Outlook, the emails will be sent from whichever email address has been set as the default in Outlook. See Sending emails using Microsoft Outlook for information on setting your default email address.

Is there a character limit for my email messages?


When you email a sale or purchase when recording the transaction (using the Send To > Email function), the email message is limited to 4000 characters (AccountRight 2018.1.1 onwards). In previous versions this was limited to 255 characters. Learn more about Sending forms when you record a transaction.

When you email sales or purchases using the Print/Email function, such as Sales > Print/Email Invoices, the email message is limited to 4000 characters. Learn more about Sending forms in a batch.