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MYOB Partner Dashboard – Partner Pays

Terms and conditions for MYOB Partner Dashboard – Partner Pays.

These terms and conditions (Terms) apply to you if you select the Partner Pays option when subscribing for a Product.


  • Client means the person or business for whom you subscribe to a Product.

  • Dashboard User means a person authorised by you to use the Partner Dashboard.

  • Fees means the fees and charges relating to the provision of a Product to you and/or a Client.

  • Partner Dashboard means the online system available to MYOB Partners for accessing and provisioning MYOB online products.

  • Partner Pays is when you agree to pay for a Product on behalf of a Client during the Product registration process.

  • Product means any of the services, facilities or functionality which form part of the MYOB Essentials or AccountRight suites of products.

  • We, us and our means MYOB Australia Pty Ltd ACN 086 760 198 (if you accept these terms in Australia) or MYOB NZ Limited Company Number 902338 (if you accept these terms in New Zealand).

  • You means the authorised representative of the business registered to use the Partner Dashboard.

1. Giving access to other Dashboard Users

a. You can authorise other Dashboard Users to access the Partner Dashboard and register for Products on behalf of your Clients.

b. Any Dashboard User can select the Partner Pays option when registering a particular Product, once the option has been enabled within your Partner Dashboard. Unless you take adequate precautions, it could be possible for a Dashboard User to enter into Partner Pays subscriptions in error, or without your knowledge or consent.

c. You are responsible for the use of the Partner Dashboard by other Dashboard Users, including ensuring that they enter into Partner Pays subscriptions only when authorised by you.

2. Payment of Fees

a. You will be charged all applicable Fees in relation to a Product, where Partner Pays is selected in the Product registration process within the Partner Dashboard.

b. You must pay all Fees due to us on the due date. Fees are published on the MYOB website (

c. Please refer to the Terms of Use for the applicable Product for more information on how Fees will be charged. The Terms of Use for AccountRight and MYOB Essentials are located on our website.

3. Access to Products

Although you control ongoing access to a Product that relates to a particular Client, MYOB may cooperate with any requests made by a Client to access the raw data within a Product.

4. Communications

You acknowledge and agree that we are permitted to contact Clients regarding Product updates, important legislative changes, changes to pricing and to promote our products and services, under the relevant Product Terms of Use.