
The dos and don’ts of taking on a business partner

11th October, 2016

Thinking about taking on a business partner, or merging with another business?

I went through this process successfully a few years with my business partner. At around the same time, we saw another operation go through a similar merge, but their approach led to confusion, resentment and eventual break up.

While every merger has its problems, we approached it with our eyes open, having scoped each other out for years. We also addressed issues before or as soon as they arose to minimise damage. We benefited from lessons learned, but freely admit we made plenty of mistakes in the process.

Here are some areas of note and caution:


1. Take your time to get to know the other business owner, their personality, and commitment for the future.

2. Do your due diligence, checking to make certain there are no hidden pitfalls is essential. There aren’t a lot of people who enjoy reading financial statements, it is essential to review them, as you will be taking on any liabilities or issues that pop up later. Professional help is advised, but here are the main areas that should be covered:

  • three reviews of financials
  • history of the business
  • description of how the business operates
  • details of any debt
  • employee contracts and liabilities
  • property leases, fixtures and fittings
  • customer files
  • any other documents that are pertinent to the smooth operation of the business.

3. Understand that the initial stage of a merger generally takes three to nine months.

4. Accept that mergers can damage your own business performance because of time spent on the deal and a mood of uncertainty. Keep an eye on customer service, as it is far easier to retain an existing client than acquire new ones.

5. Realise the real work of making the merger successful has just begun when you sign the agreement.

6. Expect an initial lack of productivity and some teething problems with employees and workplace issues.

7. Provide a consistent message to staff from the top down to both sides simultaneously.

8. Maintain consistent accountability and compensation throughout the business for similar positions.

9. Develop new ways of organising the business to help bridge the different cultures through negotiation, and explore new best practice solutions.

10. Stay positive, and display confidence in the merger in front of clients and staff.


1. Don’t rush it, but also don’t let the process get too drawn out. Don’t be afraid to walk away. In the majority of cases, several meetings among the business owners and lawyers will be essential to figure out all the details.

2. Don’t merge if the benefits are one-sided or if either side is going to be disgruntled. Address inequalities early in the negotiation.

3. Don’t let third parties push you too hard to finalise the merger just to earn their fee.

4. It is of critical importance that employees don’t learn about the merger from other sources—let them know early on, keep them updated and give them plenty of opportunity to ask questions.

5. Don’t take it personally if some staff leave, as often a few people will leave after a merger. They may have been looking for a reason to go, and the merger was the trigger. See it as part of the merger process, and be prepared.

6. Don’t expect productivity to rise immediately; in fact, expect it to drop off a little. Set short-term milestones to achieve.

7. Don’t force staff to interact, but do plan a variety of different ways for the groups to get to know each other.

Have I put you off the idea? Growth of any type usually isn’t easy.

Giving up full control can be hard, but with patience and persistence, the benefits to both parties are tremendous. Planning is essential. The process should be discussed, agreed and reviewed as it progresses.

Have you got any war stories or tips for others? Please share them.