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Deliver great shipping experiences

Deliver more products to more people with fulfilment automation that does all the heavy lifting for you.cForget chaotic, tedious, or painful fulfilment processes; Starshipit has everything you need to effortlessly manage your online orders so you can spend more time working on your business, not in it. Starshipit is the leading provider of integrated and automated fulfilment solutions for online businesses of every age and stage. Integrating with a large range of couriers and eCommerce platforms, Starshipit streamlines every step of your fulfilment process, reduces handling time, minimises human error, and improves customer experience.
1)     Automate your shipping process, minimise human error and time spent on manual entry so you can focus on the important things, like growing your business.
2)     Save time answering customer queriesCustomer service is tedious work. Empower customers to track their parcels, saving you a lot of questions and support time down the line.
3)     Reduce shipping costs and scale your business, negotiate the best shipping rates directly from your couriers and cut shipping costs.

With Starshipit you can:

  • Generate shipping labels

  • Automatically send SMS & email notifications

  • Display accurate postage rate calculations

  • Automatically create packing slips, manifests & customs documentations

  • Support multiple couriers

  • Integrate with the platforms & couriers you already use

  • Support multiple sales channels

  • Automatically import orders & update tracking

  • Autocorrect invalid addresses

  • Automatically assign orders to couriers

  • Support order-splitting, ship from store, & multi-location shipping

  • Look up addresses & auto-populate fields

  • Enable multiple delivery options

  • Market to customers post-purchase

  • Simplify the returns process

Get started with StarShipIT:

Start your free trialLearn more about this App

Contact StarShipIT:

Phone:(+61) 02 909 88227  

Disclaimer: The apps on this site are developed by third parties. MYOB can’t guarantee that the apps are suitable for your business. You should assess the suitability, quality and performance of any apps before using them.

Disclaimer: The apps on this site are developed by third parties. MYOB can’t guarantee that the apps are suitable for your business. You should assess the suitability, quality and performance of any apps before using them.